Missing You Deeply

Chapter 726 It turns out that he loves her very much (13)


Su Wanwan was stunned in place, not because of Lu Sheng's ridicule, but because Niannian knew clearly that Ozawa was not his son, yet he actually pretended not to know anything and still defended her in front of everyone. , mercilessly slapped Xi Zhiwei in the face.

Su Wanwan's hand holding the phone couldn't help but tremble slightly, and even her voice was trembling a little, Lu Sheng, please, talk to me. I'll find you where you are.

Lu Sheng was silent.

Su Wanwan's voice was pleading, Lu Sheng, I'm begging you.

After a long while, Lu Sheng finally spoke, Are you still in the company? Wait for me at the door. I'll go back to pick you up.

Okay, I'll wait for you at the door of the company!

Lu Sheng probably just left the Pei Group not long ago. The car drove back in five minutes. He turned down the window, turned to Su Wanwan and said, Get in the car!

Su Wanwan opened the car door, got in, buckled her seat belt, and Lu Sheng stepped on the accelerator. The car sped out quickly and merged into the traffic.

The car drove for a while and suddenly stopped in front of a cafe. Lu Sheng unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door first to get out of the car. Su Wanwan quickly followed.

The two of them walked into the cafe and sat down at a booth. Lu Sheng took out his cigarette case, picked out a cigarette with his slender fingers, then casually threw the cigarette case on the table, and then lit it with a lighter. He put the cigarette in his mouth and took a sip, then exhaled deeply. The white smoke overflowed from his nose and mouth. He then glanced sideways at Su Wanwan and said, Is there anything else you want to say?

Su Wanwan lowered her eyes and pondered for a long time, as if thinking about how to speak. Her hands on the table slowly intertwined. Su Wanwan swallowed, raised her eyes to look at Lu Sheng, and opened her lips, Lu Sheng , that night I heard...Niannian tell you that he doesn't love me...

Lu Sheng's eyes were confused for a moment, and he soon realized that she was talking about that night. His expression suddenly became sharp, and he interrupted Su Wanwan's words directly, Are you still following Mu Nian?

No, I had made an appointment with Niannian to pick you up at the airport that day. It was he who temporarily told me that I had an appointment with you. I wanted to see him as soon as possible, so I went to see him. I didn't eavesdrop on your conversation on purpose. , I overheard it, and I only heard a little bit.”

Su Wanwan finished explaining in one breath, paused, and then continued: I want to ask you, did he mention me again after that, and did he say anything about what happened between us?

Lu Sheng seemed to find her question funny, Su Wanwan, what did Mu Nian say to me, do you think I would tell you? And then let you, a woman, take advantage of it?

Lu Sheng, if you hate me because of Xiao Zeze, I can explain that I didn't mean to deceive Niannian. I just needed a reason to stay with Niannian and pursue him again. I never wanted to By using Xiao Zeze to hurt Niannian, or get some benefits and benefits.

Su Wanwan took a breath and clasped her hands tightly, I never thought about deceiving Niannian all the time. I originally thought that after my relationship with him had eased a little, I would tell him the truth and ask for his forgiveness.

Lu Sheng listened quietly, but his expression did not change at all, Do you think I will believe you because of your one-sided words?

One-sided words...

Yes, to Lu Sheng, her explanation was feeble, but to Pei Munian, was it also so feeble?

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