Missing You Deeply

Chapter 702 The courage to confess (7)

She came back this time and used Xiao Zeze to force her way into his life. She could feel his rejection and indifference. Even when she shamelessly pestered him until he agreed to start over with her, he His attitude towards her softened slightly, but she still felt that he was hot and cold, which made her feel unsure.

When Lu Sheng asked that question, she didn't expect him to answer the answer in her heart, but she also didn't expect that his answer would be so straightforward, without even hesitation, saying that he didn't love her.

Lu Sheng took two sips of wine before digesting Pei Munian's words, and then he looked puzzled, Young Master Pei, you said you don't love Su Wanwan, so what's going on with you and Su Wanwan now? Aren't you two getting back together? Have you? I heard that she has already moved into your villa.

Lu Sheng frowned, Ah, my son, you and Su Wanwan's son. Is it because of your son that you accept Su Wanwan again?

Lu Sheng slapped his thigh and said, That's right. You said those words a year ago. You probably won't accept Su Wanwan anymore. I just didn't expect that Su Wanwan helped you give birth to a son. After all, he was your first one. Children, it’s inevitable that you’ll have to pay more attention to them, right?”


In fact, this reason is expected. Pei Munian has emphasized to her more than once that if it weren't for the child, he would never let her get close to him again.

Finally all the doubts and mysteries were solved.

Why did Pei Munian agree to start over with her, but he was hot and cold? Why did he still not touch her even though she tried her best?

In the final analysis, it is the simplest reason, just not loving it.

Su Wanwan took several steps back unconsciously, until she reached the wall on the other side, and then she managed to hold on to the wall and stand firm.

A waiter passed by and saw her almost unsteady on her feet. He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked with concern: Miss, are you okay?

No, it's okay. Su Wanwan shook her head weakly.

But you look very bad...

Su Wanwan was afraid that Pei Munian inside would notice what she and the waiter did here, so she waved her hand, held on to the wall, and walked away step by step.

No, no!

Lu Sheng denied what he said and frowned, This is illogical. If you only care about your son, wouldn't it be better to fight for her custody? You still need to have fun with Su Wanwan. ?”

Pei Munian still looked calm and ignored Lu Sheng's crazy curiosity. He took an elegant sip of red wine and said lazily, Are you here to drink or gossip today?

Young Master Pei, please stop tempting me. What do you think?

What on earth were you thinking...

Pei Munian's black eyes were condensed, and his gaze fell on nowhere. He was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke, without answering, he asked, Do people cherish things they can't get more than things they get easily, because they come after they are obtained? Isn’t it easy?”

Young Master Pei, did you do this on purpose? When I ask you about Su Wanwan, what are you talking about?

After Lu Sheng complained about this, he suddenly paused and thought carefully about what Pei Munian had just said. His eyes darkened, and then he looked at Pei Munian in disbelief. He was shocked for a while and then said: Young Master Pei, aren't you... ...Have you reached this point with Su Wanwan?

Pei Munian curled his lips, and the smile in his eyes was slightly bitter, If I don't love her, she won't leave me.

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