Missing You Deeply

Chapter 695 Who slaps whom in the face (18)

Brother Mu Nian. The footsteps behind him gradually approached, and Xi Zhiwei walked over step by step, with an obvious cry in her voice, sad and sad.

Pei Munian paused, then turned around.

Xi Zhiwei stood in front of him, her face full of tears, her beautiful eyes red and swollen from crying, and she looked extremely pitiful.

Pei Munian's dark eyes fell on her face, his expression was calm, and when he saw her like this, there was no fluctuation at all, and his eyes didn't seem to cause any ripples.

Pei Munian's expression made Xi Zhiwei's heart tremble slightly, but she gritted her teeth unwillingly as she remembered the insults she had suffered because of Su Wanwan.

It was obvious that the child was not Pei Munian's child, but for her to hide it like this, everyone thought she was a bad person. Even Mrs. Pei looked at her reproachfully just now. She couldn't swallow this tone no matter what.

Xi Zhiwei took a deep breath, clenched her hands, and spoke in a hoarse voice, Brother Mu Nian, my DNA report is really not fake. The results are all true. Su Wanwan's child is true. He's not your biological son. I heard what she said with my own ears. She is lying to you! She must have tampered with your DNA report. Oh, by the way, she has a good best friend named Yu Jia. Do you remember Yu Jia? I often played with her when I was in college. Yu Jia is a doctor now. Maybe Su Wanwan asked her for help, and she also knows about this!

Pei Munian listened to her words and still had no reaction. He just said calmly: I'm going to the airport.

Xi Zhiwei immediately became anxious and subconsciously took a step forward, Brother Mu Nian, don't you still believe me? Then... Then test the DNA again. You and Su Wanwan's child, test again in person, and you will know that I I'm not lying, Su Wanwan's child is just a wild...

Shut up!

Pei Munian frowned, as if he had lost all his patience, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes, Weiwei, don't let me hear that word from your mouth again, whatever happens to Wan Wan, and whatever happens to that child, it's all the same. You have nothing to do with it, this is my family matter, and don’t encourage my mother to do unnecessary things, if you don’t want to be more embarrassed.


Xi Zhiwei was shocked by these two words and couldn't help but take two steps back, Brother Mu Nian, I am doing this all for you...

For me? Pei Munian sneered, If it was really for me, there shouldn't be this banquet tonight.

Weiwei, I told you, what is my bottom line? If you want to slap Wanwan in the face, I will definitely return it to you. Have you forgotten?

Yes, once she slapped Su Wanwan, he could slap her back without hesitation.

So today she made Su Wanwan suffer everyone's ridicule and scorn, would he also let her suffer everyone's ridicule?

How could he... do this to her?

Tears rolled down from Xi Zhiwei's eyes. She shook her head in disbelief, Brother Mu Nian, Su Wanwan has hurt you time and time again. She will come and go when she calls you. Why are you still here now? I’d rather believe her than me!”

Xi Zhiwei looked at Pei Munian with tearful eyes, and her voice was a little accusatory, I have paid so much for you, and I am wholeheartedly doing your best, I...

My pleasure.

Three simple words, but like thousands of arrows piercing the heart, Xi Zhiwei's body couldn't stop shaking, but Pei Munian didn't think it was enough. He took a step forward, lowered his head slightly, and spoke word by word in her ear. mouth.

(I'm happy... Hahaha, Nian Nian is so mean~~~~ Tonight, the bitchy Nian Nian is begging for monthly tickets. Will the babies hit him with monthly tickets? Good night~~)

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