Missing You Deeply

Chapter 686 Who slaps whom in the face (9)

The hall is luxuriously decorated and extremely lively.

Melodious music was flowing in the huge hall, and richly dressed ladies and gentlemen were walking among the crowd holding wine glasses, chatting in groups.

Su Wanwan stopped suddenly and looked at the scene in front of her in surprise.

Mrs. Pei said she wanted to see her and Xiao Zeze. She thought she just invited her to come to the old house to meet, but... why is there a banquet here?

Su Wanwan subconsciously looked at Butler Xi on the side and asked doubtfully: Didn't Madam make an appointment with me?

Yes, Madam invited you to come to the banquet. She said she would introduce you to her friends and this young master.

Introduce her to friends?

Is Mrs. Pei ready to admit her identity?

Su Wanwan was not happy at all, but felt a little strange and uneasy.

Butler Xi did not allow Su Wanwan to think too much and urged her, Miss Su, please come in. Don't keep Madam waiting.

Su Wanwan frowned slightly, glanced sideways at Butler Xi, raised her feet, and walked inside.

As soon as Su Wanwan walked in, everyone looked at her in unison. After all, no one expected that Mrs. Pei would invite her over. It seemed that she was really ready to accept her?

Then, everyone's eyes fell on the child in her arms, and everyone became aware of it.

Su Wanwan gave birth to the Pei family's child, and it was a boy. Even if Mrs. Pei was angry again, for the sake of the child, she had to be lenient, right?

After all, this is the future heir of the Pei Group.

Butler Xi led Su Wanwan to Mrs. Pei. Mrs. Pei was talking to several ladies she knew. When she saw Su Wanwan walking over, she looked at her with lukewarm eyes and a light voice. , Here he comes.

Su Wanwan nodded, her red lips parted slightly, Husband, Mom.

Mrs. Pei did not respond, but introduced directly to the ladies: This is Su Wanwan, the daughter of the Su Company. You should all know it, right?

The ladies all smiled and nodded, Of course I know, it's like thunder.

One of the ladies took a step forward, looked at the child in Su Wanwan's arms, and couldn't help but admired: This child is so beautiful. He looks just like his mother. He already has children. It seems that your family Mu Nian and Miss Su’s wedding is going to be held again, right?”

Mrs. Pei also glanced at Xiao Zeze, with a dark light in her eyes and a calm smile on her face, You also know how long I have been looking forward to my grandson. As for other things, young people have their own ideas.

The lady refused: Don't talk to me in official terms. If you can bring Miss Su to this banquet, isn't that just acquiescence? You are still talking so much.

Mrs. Pei only smiled without answering. After introducing the ladies to Su Wanwan, she took her to greet others and introduced her to everyone one by one.

Su Wanwan's eyes were filled with doubts little by little. She originally thought this was a Hongmen Banquet, but Mrs. Pei actually introduced her to everyone, acquiescing to her identity and Xiao Zeze's identity. She If you really accept her like this, why does it feel... so unreal?

After Su Wanwan walked around with Mrs. Pei, she finally had the chance to say, Mom, don't you simply want to see Xiao Zeze today? Why...invited so many people here?

Mrs. Pei's eyes fell on Su Wanwan's face, and she answered matter-of-factly, I am happy to have a grandson, so of course I want all my friends to share my joy. What? Is my grandson shameful?

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