Missing You Deeply

Chapter 660 Chapter 689-691 (1)

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Pei Munian returned to the villa. He changed his shoes at the entrance and walked straight upstairs.

When he walked to the bedroom door, he raised his hand and pushed it open. The lights were bright inside, but there was no one there. Only then did Pei Mu Nian's eyes show a little surprise, which disappeared briefly.

It's just that it's so calm, and it's not like Su Wanwan's style.

As Pei Munian walked in, he tugged on his tie, pulled it off, and threw it on the sofa aside. He raised his hand, unbuttoned his cuffs, and then unbuttoned his shirt.

With a bang, the bedroom light suddenly went out, the bathroom door was pushed open, and the whole room was dark except for the light pouring from the bathroom.

My dear, are you back?

The voice came slowly, and Su Wanwan walked towards Pei Munian with light steps.

Pei Munian took a deep breath and strode away.

Su Wanwan blinked, then blinked again, but still couldn't understand the situation in front of her.

Pei Munian actually threw her away again.

Damn, what does Pei Munian mean?

I gave him a sweet date and gave him a hard punch!

Su Wanwan was so angry that she grabbed Pei Munian's pillow and smashed it 360 degrees on the bed. After throwing it around, she lay flat on the bed panting.

Humph, don’t think she will give up easily. If it doesn’t work today, then tomorrow will happen; if it doesn’t work tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow!

Pei Munian, you bad guy!

Pei Munian was stunned for a moment, but Su Wanwan closed her eyes again, tilted her head, and fell asleep again.

Pei Munian curled his lips, and couldn't help but smile in his eyes. He lowered his head and said, Sleep well.

When Pei Munian got up to turn off the lights, he glanced at the sofa inadvertently, and Pei Munian couldn't help but laugh.


Su Wanwan was hit one after another by Pei Munian like this, and Su Wanwan's unwillingness to admit defeat rose up in her heart.

No matter what method she uses, if she doesn't put Pei Munian to sleep, she won't be Su Wanwan!

Su Wanwan stormed into Yu Jia's consulting room angrily, slapped the table, and said boldly: Yu Jia, get me some medicine!

Yu Jia was writing the case, and was shocked by Su Wanwan's words. One of the pen slips out, and the refill almost punctured the paper, Wha, what?

Su Wanwan pursed her lips, with a serious face, and said word by word, I said, can you help me get some medicine, the one with the best effect!

Yu Jia stared at Su Wanwan with wide eyes for a few seconds, and then said seriously: Wanwan, turn left when you go out, and go to a brain department to check it out!

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