Missing You Deeply

Chapter 639 Don’t want to owe her (14)

Su Wanwan rolled out of bed listlessly, washed up, and walked to the baby's room. Xiao Zeze had already woken up, and Aunt Wu was taking him out of the baby's room. Su Wanwan steeled herself, walked over, and said to Aunt Wu: I'll take care of Xiao Zeze, you go down and do your work.

Aunt Wu hummed and handed the child to her.

Su Wanwan took the child and carried him to the bathroom to wash his face and change his diaper. Then he carried him out and found clothes for him to change.

While Su Wanwan was changing Xiao Zeze's clothes, she muttered, Xiao Zeze, your brother-in-law is a big bad guy. He always bullies me. I ran all the way over, but he drove me away without saying a word. When he came back, he kept protecting Xi Zhiwei. Did you know that Xi Zhiwei and I fell down while riding horses together? He ignored me and only looked after Xi Zhiwei. He also said hurtful words to me, saying that I was disturbing him and Xi Zhiwei, does he know that he is still a married man and the father of a child?

When Su Wanwan said this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad. She touched Xiao Zeze's face lightly with her hand and sighed: Xiao Zeze, it would be great if you were the child of me and Niannian, so I don't have to do this. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be so unsure.”

There's no need... When I see Pei Munian and Xi Zhiwei together, I don't even have the qualifications to speak.

Ozawa opened his beautiful eyes like black pearls, still smiling happily, and could not feel Su Wanwan's depression at all.

I don't know what they are doing now.

Su Wanwan murmured, and the image of Pei Munian holding Xi Zhiwei in front of the flowers and under the moon could not stop appearing in her mind. She was so shocked that she suddenly jumped up and yelled, No! Absolutely not!

Xiao Zeze seemed to be shocked by her. He looked at her and curled his mouth, as if he was about to cry.

Su Wanwan quickly came to her senses and was about to coax him, but then an inspiration flashed in her head, yes, how could she forget this important weapon of Ozawa?

Pei Munian drove her back and stayed alone with Xi Zhiwei. If something happened by accident...

We can no longer let Pei Munian and Xi Zhiwei stay like this. We must let Pei Munian return to China. At least, we must let her know when he will come back!

Su Wanwan pursed her lips and said to Xiao Zeze, Xiao Zeze, sister needs your help again!

She couldn't call Pei Munian back, but Xiao Zeze could do it, right? It's just... wouldn't it be very embarrassing if she took the initiative to call him now that she was driven back in such a mess?

Su Wanwan's dark eyes rolled around. She picked up Xiao Zeze, left the room, and walked downstairs.

Aunt Wu came out of the kitchen and said with a smile: Young madam, breakfast is ready. Do you want to eat it now?

Su Wanwan shook her head, hugged Xiao Zeze and sat down on the sofa in the living room, and then replied: We'll eat later, Aunt Wu, come here first.

Aunt Wu walked over in confusion, Young madam, what's wrong?

Su Wanwan grabbed the landline phone and put it into Aunt Wu's hand. Aunt Wu became more and more strange, Young Madam, what are you doing?

Su Wanwan's black eyes flickered, she cleared her voice, and pretended not to care and said, Pei Munian has been on a business trip for so long, and I don't know that Xiao Zeze will not be happy even if he calls back.

Please help Xiao Zeze call him.

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