Missing You Deeply

Chapter 619 Do you hate seeing me so much? (8)

Almost as soon as Pei Munian realized that the ball was going in the wrong direction, he stretched out his long legs and rushed out. Before the ball hit Xi Zhiwei, he had already blocked the ball with his body.

The ball hit his shoulder hard, and he frowned slightly. Although he didn't say anything, he could tell that the hit was not light.

Xi Zhiwei was stunned by the ball that just flew over. After reacting, she quickly looked at Pei Munian, Brother Mu Nian, are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?

I'm fine. Pei Mu blocked Xi Zhiwei's stretched out hand without leaving any trace.

Xi Zhiwei was already full of anger towards Su Wanwan. Her good time with Brother Mu Nian was disrupted by her, and she hurt Brother Mu Nian again and again. Her anger could no longer be suppressed, and she glared at Su Wanwan. , said angrily, Sister Wanwan, this is playing ball, how can you hit someone?

Su Wanwan seemed not to have heard Xi Zhiwei's question, and she looked at Pei Munian intently.

The ball hit him, but her heart hurt a thousand times ten thousand times more than being hit by the ball. In fact, she was a very good golfer, and her angle was very accurate. The ball just now seemed to be able to hit. When it comes to Xi Zhiwei, it actually won't happen. It will just pass by and cannot hurt Xi Zhiwei.

Pei Munian's golf game was no worse than hers, so he couldn't fail to see that if he looked at the angle at which the ball flew out, he would know that it would not hit Xi Zhiwei. He rushed out to block it without thinking, out of concern. Is it chaos?

He cares about Xi Zhiwei more than she thought...

No wonder no matter what she did, she couldn't impress him. If she hadn't been so shameless and took advantage of Ozawa, she wouldn't be able to stay by his side now.

Su Wanwan's hand couldn't hold the stick. She lowered her eyes suddenly to prevent others from seeing the tears in her eyes. She shrugged, pretending not to care and said, Sorry, I made a mistake. I was there early. As I said, I’m not very good at fighting.”

You...you hurt someone, and you still have this attitude?

Mr. Lin hurried over from the rest area, looked at Su Wanwan, then at Xi Zhiwei, and quickly smoothed things over, It's just a mistake. Give me, an old man, some face. Don't be angry, Mr. Pei. How are you injured? Do you need any medicine?

No, it's nothing.

It's better to go and take a look, so as not to worry your wife!

Mr. Lin winked at Pei Munian, then asked the servant to come over and take Pei Munian to the family doctor. Pei Munian did not refuse, and Xi Zhiwei also followed.

Only Mr. Lin and Su Wanwan were left at the scene. Mr. Lin looked at Su Wanwan's lowered head and consoled him: Mr. Pei is fine, and you don't need to blame yourself.

Su Wanwan didn't want Mr. Lin to see her tears. She suppressed the sobs in her throat and whispered: Mr., I'm sorry, I want to be alone for a while.

Mr. Lin nodded, Okay, behind here is my horse farm. It's very quiet over there and the scenery is nice. You can go for a walk there. There is my horse attendant over there. If you are in a bad mood, you can ride a horse. It’s perfect to blow dry.”

Okay, thank you.

Su Wanwan turned around and walked towards the racecourse.

Xi Zhiwei wanted to accompany Pei Munian to look at the wound on his shoulder, but he refused. Xi Zhiwei was left on the golf course. When she turned around, she saw Su Wanwan walking towards the racecourse. She stared at her back fiercely without saying a word. Followed.

(Nian Nian made a serious protest to her mother: I have turned from a male god into a piece of shit. It’s all your fault! My mother, I said: I’m determined, the fun is coming~~ So, my dears, agree on the monthly ticket What? Good night, I love you all~~)

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