Missing You Deeply

Chapter 593 Chapter 619-621 Thirty-Six Strategies for Chasing a Husband (1)

Pei Munian looked her up and down with a smile, then opened her thin lips and said word by word, Su Wanwan, if you still want to stay here, pay attention to your words and deeds! Otherwise, it won't be the same next time. Throw it out of this door!

Pei Munian's finger pushed Su Wanwan's forehead hard. Su Wanwan was pushed back forcibly, and then the door panel was mercilessly thrown in front of her again!

Su Wanwan stood there for a long time, and finally couldn't hold it in any longer and cursed. She was right, Pei Munian, you are worse than a beast!

Then wouldn't her plan be declared a failure?

No, she couldn't be discouraged just because of one failure. Since he didn't respond to her direct attack, then she should change her route and save the country through a curve, to put it mildly?

But, how can she be tactful?

Su Wanwan was thinking about this problem all night. She almost kept her eyes open until dawn. After falling asleep for a while, she heard the sound of the door opening in the next room.

Pei Munian woke up?

Su Wanwan listened carefully and did hear footsteps. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was still early. He probably wasn't going to the company at this time. He was probably going for morning exercise. She remembered that he had a habit of doing morning exercises.

But even for morning exercises, it's a bit too early. It's just a little after six o'clock now. He used to get up and exercise mostly at seven o'clock. Could it be that... the anger he was holding in yesterday has not dissipated, so it's so early? To do some exercise?

Su Wanwan's dark eyes rolled around, and her heart, which had been fussing all night, finally felt at ease.

She couldn't sleep anyway, so she might as well get up and go for morning exercises. If she hung around in front of him more, he might lose control at some point.

Su Wanwan got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. After washing herself, she returned to the master bedroom.

As expected, Pei Munian was gone. She quickly put on her casual sportswear and chased him out. However, as soon as she reached the first floor, she heard the sound of water in the backyard.

Su Wanwan looked out, and through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows, she saw the slender figure in the outdoor swimming pool. Pei Mu Nian was swimming in the frog pose, and every time his arms stretched out from the water, they were stained with water drops. Under the morning light, it shines brightly.

This year, Pei Munian seems to have become more attractive. Fortunately, she woke up in time, otherwise Pei Munian would have fallen into Xi Zhiwei's hands. That would be such a waste!

Therefore, it is better for her to take in Pei Munian, who is such a monster, so as not to harm others!

Since Pei Munian is swimming...can she swim with him in a double swim?

Su Wanwan immediately turned around and went upstairs.

After Su Wanwan put on her swimsuit, put on a big towel and went downstairs again.

Su Wanwan came to the swimming pool quietly. Pei Munian was so focused on swimming that he didn't notice her. Su Wanwan aimed at an angle, threw away the towel, and jumped next to Pei Munian.

The water splashed everywhere, and Su Wanwan fell into the water. Her elegant and beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of Pei Munian, with her long hair flying in the water.

Pei Munian's eyes were a little dazed when he appeared unexpectedly, like an angel who accidentally fell into the mortal world, especially when Su Wanwan's head popped up from the water after she sank to the bottom of the water.

In an instant, like a hibiscus emerging from water, water drops kept falling along her outline. Su Wanwan raised her hand and moved all the hair that was blocking her vision to her head. Her delicate face was so beautiful that the sun shone on her. When I got down, I still felt a bit unreal, like I was in a dream.

Pei Munian's eyes were a little crazy, and he couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream, and his hand unconsciously stretched towards her beautiful face.

(All beauties are traps, hahaha~~ Darlings, where are the monthly tickets?)

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