Missing You Deeply

Chapter 583 I’m chasing you (9)

Pei Munian raised his eyebrows lightly and fixed his eyes on her, as if waiting for her to make a request.

Su Wanwan sat up straight, cleared her voice, and spoke seriously, My request is very simple. Since you want Xiao Zeze's custody rights, you have to ask for me too. I won't If you want it separately from Xiao Zeze, you want it together!

Pei Munian sneered and his eyes became colder.

Su Wanwan was a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw his disdainful look, she couldn't help but feel a little fire in her heart, Anyway, I only have one condition. If you don't accept it, I won't treat Ozawa. What Ze gave to you is to separate you, father... father and son, and then, I, I will let Xiao Zeze call other people's men daddy!

With Pei Munian's proud temperament, it's impossible for him to tolerate his children calling other people's father, right?


Pei Munian seemed to be amused by Su Wanwan's words and was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, So, do you prefer litigation?

... How did this man become so insufferable? It’s even harder than when I was in college!

Su Wanwan secretly cursed, took a deep breath, and continued: A lawsuit? We are husband and wife, how can we file a lawsuit? The judgment comes and goes, but it is still our child.

I will propose the divorce after the lactation period is over.

After all, he still had to cut off the relationship with her. Even if a child was born, he would still be able to take advantage of her. Su Wanwan couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

However, when he thought of the things he had done for her in his mind, Yan's heart quickly became full again, Okay, then let's wait until my lactation period is over before we talk about divorce and custody. Now, Are we still husband and wife?

Pei Munian corrected her unceremoniously, A couple in name only.

It doesn't matter, as long as they are husband and wife.

Su Wanwan seemed to be thirsty after talking so much, but she sat down for so long without ordering anything to drink. She simply reached over, picked up the cup of coffee in front of Pei Munian, and poured it all down her throat. Put it down again.

She wiped her lips and said to Pei Munian: Since there's nothing else, I'll leave first.

She stood up, picked up her bag and was about to leave. Suddenly she thought of something. She leaned over and kissed Pei Munian on the lips with lightning speed. She said softly: Work hard and earn money for milk powder. Ah, husband.

Before Pei Munian could react, Su Wanwan had already retracted her body.

Pei Mu Nianjun's face suddenly darkened, the light in his eyes surged, and he looked like a storm was coming, Su Wanwan, do you know what you are doing?

Su Wanwan nodded honestly, I know, I'm kissing you.


Between husband and wife, a kiss is normal. Are you not shy anymore?

Su Wanwan!

A chill ran down Su Wanwan's spine. Before Pei Munian got completely angry, he ran away, saying, Goodbye, hubby.

Su Wanwan ran back to her car in one breath, locked it, and then breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced sideways at the cafe and saw that Pei Munian didn't chase her out. She couldn't help but smile.

However, although there is no divorce for the time being, he is so repulsive to her now. If you want to conquer him again, you must... have the opportunity to contact her...


That night, when Pei Munian returned to the villa, he saw large and small boxes stacked at the entrance as soon as he entered the door.


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