Missing You Deeply

Chapter 581 I’m chasing you (7)

Hey... Assistant Wu sighed softly, knowing that he couldn't hide it, so he could only tell the truth, Mr. Pei said that he would come back when the results are out.

Su Wanwan understood. Perhaps Assistant Wu was being subtle when he said this. His original words should be that he would not come over until the results came out and it was confirmed that it was his child.

Su Wanwan bit her lower lip, her hands unconsciously tightened the straps of her backpack, and she tried her best to squeeze out a smile, It doesn't matter, let's go check it out.

Assistant Wu looked at her bitter smile and opened his mouth, wanting to remind her of something, but as soon as the cold face of the big boss flashed in his mind, he held it back.

Forget it, he'd better mind his own business. How it should be...that's how it should be!

The test process is very simple. After taking Ozawa's hair and saliva, the next thing to do is to wait for news. Because the test is done on an expedited basis, it only takes two days to know the results.

Although Yu Jia patted her chest and told her that she had already unclogged it. When the results came out, the DAN comparison between Ozawa and Pei Munian was definitely 99.9% consistent, but she was not afraid of any eventuality. Wan, Su Wanwan spent the past two days in anxiety until she received a call from Pei Munian again.

This time it was Pei Munian who called her personally. When she heard his voice, Su Wanwan was a little surprised and couldn't react. Pei Munian said something on the other end, but she didn't hear anything.

Maybe it was because she had been silent all this time. Pei Munian's tone was deep and cold, Did you hear that?

Su Wanwan blinked and suddenly came back to reality, Huh? You...what were you talking about just now? Can you say it again?

Pei Munian was silent for a moment and then opened his lips coldly again, Let's meet at 12 noon tomorrow to talk about the custody of the child. The location can be decided by you.

Let’s talk about child custody…

As these words slowly passed through her ears, Su Wanwan took a slight breath. It seemed that... the fake DNA report that Yu Jia had people make really deceived Pei Munian.

Although I was a little happy, I was also a little uneasy and felt a bit unreal.

I actually deceived him like this...

Su Wanwan unconsciously felt a trace of guilt in her heart. Based on his previous reaction when he knew she was pregnant for the second time, she could tell that he probably liked children, but she used children to deceive him... If in the future He knew that Xiao Zeze was not his child, so he would be very angry and disappointed, right?

Su Wanwan's red lips twitched, and she had an urge to tell her all about her deception, Pei Munian, actually...

In fact, Xiao Zeze is not our child.

It's a very simple sentence, but when it comes to my mouth, I just can't say it.

Without Ozawa, he would definitely divorce her. Even though it was now confirmed that Ozawa was his child, he only wanted to talk about the custody of the child, not their marriage.

If she tells him now that the child is not his, and maybe the appointment is about divorce, then she can only watch him and Xi Zhiwei get married!

No, no, I can't say it now, I can't say it now.

Now that she has taken the first step, she can only go all the way to the end. No matter what, she must first stabilize her marriage with Pei Munian. As for Xiao Zeze, this is not his child. The worst is, she will have another child. , return it to him.

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