Missing You Deeply

Chapter 562 The return of dominance (10)

Su Wanwan was so busy looking left and right that she suddenly saw motorcycles passing by her car. Although the traffic jam made it difficult to move forward, the motorcycles were moving smoothly.

Su Wanwan's eyes immediately lit up.

She turned off the car, pushed open the door and got out of the car. She walked to the roadside with her skirt in hand. After waiting for a while, a delivery boy drove over on a motorcycle. Su Wanwan quickly ran over to stop him. In his desperation, she actually said, Robbery!

The delivery boy was shocked, braked suddenly, and stared at the woman in a beautiful dress in front of him with wide eyes, Wha, what?

Only then did Su Wanwan realize what she had said. She bit her lower lip in annoyance, No, I mean, can you rent this motorcycle to me? No matter how much you want!

No, no, I still have to deliver food.

Well, then I'll order takeout from your store, and you can send me to a place!


When Su Wanwan arrived at the Pei family's old house, it was already past eight o'clock. Su Wanwan casually brushed her hair that was messy in the wind and walked quickly towards the door of Pei's house.

Su Wanwan handed the invitation letter to the doorman at the door. The doorman checked it and found that the invitation letter was indeed correct. However, the woman in front of him was disheveled and did not look like a formally invited guest. He couldn't help but look at Su Wanwan a few more times. .

Su Wanwan's cheeks were slightly drooped, and her hair covered half of her cheeks. When the guard looked over, she turned her face sideways to avoid being recognized by him.

She was a little worried that Pei Zhai had ordered her not to enter. She couldn't be stopped at the door.

The guard seemed to have really noticed something was wrong and said to her, This lady... you...

Su Wanwan's heart skipped a beat. Her luck wasn't so bad. Was she about to be recognized? Su Wanwan couldn't help but frown.

If...if she was really recognized, then she would force her way in?

Su Wanwan's hand holding the handbag subconsciously clenched tightly, and one of her feet quietly moved back, making a running gesture.

Unexpectedly, someone suddenly walked up from behind her. The next second, a warm and hard arm was wrapped around her waist, and a familiar voice rang in her ears.

This is my female companion. Is there anything wrong?

Ah, it turns out she is your female companion, Mr. Palace. I'm sorry, please come in. The guard's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, and his serious face immediately became respectful.

Gong Lingyu glanced at him, then held Su Wanwan's waist and said softly: Let's go.

Su Wanwan let him hold her stiffly and blankly, and walked into the door until she was out of sight of the guard. Su Wanwan suddenly came back to her senses and raised her eyes to look at him.

The man in front of him is more mature and stable than a year ago, but the only thing that remains unchanged is the gentle look in his eyes.

After Su Wanwan returned to China, she heard his name from Yu Jia from time to time, but never had the chance to meet him. She was stunned for a few seconds, and her eyebrows curved, Ling Yu, long time no see, thank you for standing in for me just now. Relief.

Gong Lingyu smiled, Do we still need to say thank you? But now is not the time for our old friends to reminisce.

He raised his hand, looked at the watch on his wrist, and said, It's ten past eight. Pei Munian should have finished his polite words.

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