Missing You Deeply

Chapter 554 The return of dominance (2)

When he said the last sentence, Yu Jia emphasized his tone again, and his words were clear and full of excitement.

Su Wanwan raised her eyebrows slightly and said, What unexpected discovery?

Yu Jia paused, swallowed, and replied in a suppressed voice, While I was watching the surveillance, I heard the staff gossiping that Xi Zhiwei came to the mall here yesterday to pick out a wedding ring.

... Su Wanwan's breathing became slightly heavier.

Yu Jia noticed the change in Su Wanwan's mood and coughed twice, Oh, the wedding ring is not the point. I mean, she also came to this mall yesterday!

Wanwan, don't you think it's strange? After you returned to China, you took Xiao Zeze out with you, and nothing happened. What's more, you are in such a big shopping mall, with cameras, security guards, and ordinary people everywhere. It's impossible for a trafficker to be so rampant, unless that person is not a trafficker, but someone who has a grudge against you!

Except for Xi Zhiwei, I really can't think of anyone else for this person! It makes sense that she wants to snatch the child. You disappeared for a year and came back with a child who was only a few months old. When you left, Everyone misunderstood that you were pregnant again. Maybe she thought the child was Pei Munian's, so she wanted to take the child away to investigate.

Xi Zhiwei and Su Wanwan were at loggerheads. Yu Jia had learned various White Lotus tricks from her when she was in college. She was not surprised at all that she could do such a shameless thing.

Following Yu Jia's words, Su Wanwan slowly fell into deep thought, not thinking about the incident in the mall, but thinking about the incident a year ago.

It's just the exact same routine.

It was the same that he hit her with a trolley, the same that he knew how to avoid surveillance, and the same that he appeared in the same place with her.

If what happened in the hospital was a coincidence, what about what happened in the mall? Is it a coincidence?

She knew that there might be many coincidences in this world, but she didn't believe that there would be such a coincidence between her and Xi Zhiwei.

At this point, she was 100% sure that the person who hit her with a trolley, whether it was at the back door of the hospital a year ago or in the shopping mall garage yesterday, must be Xi Zhiwei.

It's a pity that she has no evidence now. All the surveillance videos did not directly capture her hitting her with the cart. Even if she wants to settle the score with her, she will do it without a name. Instead, she will say that it is a frame-up.

Su Wanwan bit her lower lip and clenched her hands tightly.

Yu Jiaxu kept talking for so long, and then realized that Su Wanwan had not made any sound for a long time, and asked with some worry: Wanwan, are you okay? Are you scared?

Su Wanwan came back to her senses and said in a slightly deeper voice, No, I just thought of something else.

What's going on?

Su Wanwan pursed her lips lightly and slowly opened her lips, Do you still remember my miscarriage a year ago? I always thought it was Pei Munian who aborted my child forcefully, but I just found out today that my child ...Maybe it was also because of Xi Zhiwei that she was aborted.


But I have no evidence. Just like in the mall yesterday, there is no evidence. Su Wanwan briefly explained what happened.

Yu Jia was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed, Are we just going to let her get away with it?

Suddenly remembering something, she became even more angry, By the way, I heard from Gong Lingyu that their marriage will be announced at Pei's mid-year party this weekend!

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