Missing You Deeply

Chapter 530 Is this what you want? (6)

Su Wanwan stumbled into the operating room, which exuded a strong smell of blood. She saw her grandfather, who had always been solemn and solemn, lying dying on the operating table with various tubes inserted into his body, maintaining him for the last time. s life.

Su Wanwan rushed over. She wanted to hold her grandfather's hand, but she didn't dare to move him, for fear that if she touched him, he would turn into smoke and disappear.

Grandpa. Su Wanwan called in a very low voice.

Su Zhenhua opened his eyes with difficulty, but he could only open a slit. He couldn't even see Su Wanwan's face clearly, and could only see a rough outline.

He was full of anger towards Su Wanwan, and he couldn't express his anger at this moment. Wanwan, no, there is no need to be sad... people, people will get old, and there will be such a day.

When a person is dying, his heart is always soft. No matter how dissatisfied he is with her, when he is dying, she is the only one standing by his bedside, and she is the only one crying for him.

Grandpa, I'm sorry. I didn't know your health was so bad. I was too willful. I'm sorry...

Tears burst out of Su Wanwan's eyes, Can you hold on, can you get better? From now on, I will listen to you whatever you say, and don't leave me alone.

Su Zhenhua raised his hand as hard as he could, and Su Wanwan quickly held his hand. Feeling the bony hand, Su Wanwan's tears flowed even more fiercely.

Wanwan, grandpa is very sorry that there is no way to make the Su family glorious again. I, I don't want to force you... to support this crumbling Su family, but there is one thing. You, you have to do it. Promise me, you must... you must do it, otherwise, I will not be able to rest in peace even if I die.

Su Zhenhua's last words couldn't help but become more serious in tone, and his cloudy eyes became a little clearer.

Grandpa, tell me what it is. As long as I can do it, I will try my best. Tell me.

Su Zhenhua used his last strength to speak his last wish into Su Wanwan's ears word for word. Su Wanwan's eyes suddenly widened, but before she could finish digesting the news, Su Zhenhua closed his eyes. , the heart instrument next to him made a long beep, and the heart curve slowly changed from a weak undulating line to a straight line.

Grandpa! Su Wanwan cried, almost collapsing.

The doctor and nurse rushed forward, and Su Wanwan was pulled away. After examining Su Zhenhua, the doctor shook his head, then looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and then announced the time of death.

The nurse removed the instruments from Su Zhenhua's body one by one. Su Wanwan still didn't believe it, so she rushed forward and grabbed the doctor's hand, Doctor, grandpa will not die like this. If you do the operation again, please think about it again. A way, please.”

Miss, please forgive me and accept the change.

The doctor comforted and then pushed Su Wanwan away. Su Wanwan watched helplessly as the nurse covered Su Zhenhua with the white cloth, completely covering his whole body. She covered her face and cried so hard that she couldn't help herself.

Su Wanwan was pushed out of the operating room, and Li's mother hugged her as soon as she came up. She also cried heartbrokenly. Secretary Su behind her could not help but sob.

Su Wanwan's tears seemed to have dried up inside. She raised her eyes blankly and looked at Secretary Su, her voice was extremely hoarse, What grandpa said...is it true?

Secretary Su wiped away her tears and nodded slowly, It's true.

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