Missing You Deeply

Chapter 522 Loving you is good, that’s all (8)

In her memory, she hated Pei Munian, hated him for being so heartless, hated him for trampling on her feelings, and hated him for aborting her child without mercy.

But when this memory came back to her mind, she couldn't empathize with it anymore, because more of her feelings still remained in the present.

After she woke up from the operation, Pei Munian's company, care, and pampering made her once-deep hatred gradually fade and disappear.

I don't hate him.

She still remembered that during her operation, she closed her eyes and the last moment she lost consciousness, the person she was thinking of was still Pei Munian. That was because she couldn't deceive herself. From beginning to end, she hated him and loved him even more.

Yu Jia couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, It's okay if you don't hate. It takes so much effort to hate someone, let alone hate someone you love deeply. Wanwan, it would be best if you can let go of the past. ”

Su Wanwan smiled, but the smile could not reach her eyes. She was silent for a while, raised her eyes to look at Yu Jia, and said, Yu Jia, I, I have to ask you to do me a favor again.

Yu Jia patted her chest and said without hesitation, Wanwan, as far as our friendship is concerned, let alone one, a hundred will do. Tell me, how can I help you?

Su Wanwan bit her lower lip lightly, clenched her hands unconsciously, took a breath, and said, Prepare a fetal check for me.


Yu Jia stumbled and almost fell, Wha, what?

After Yu Jia stood firm on the edge of the bed, she couldn't help but said: No, Wanwan, didn't you say you don't hate Pei Munian? You, why are you going to start an abortion? You, you don't have children...

Yu Jia, don't ask why. Just do me this favor. I'm begging you.


Even if Yu Jia didn't know her intention, she wanted to have a fetal abortion. She knew it was definitely not a good thing. She persuaded her, Wanwan, if you don't have a child, just tell Pei Munian directly. Why do you want to start a abortion? Fetus, are you trying to deceive Pei Munian and take revenge on him for aborting your child before? You must not do it... When will retribution end?

not like this…….

Su Wanwan lowered her eyes, and the light in her eyes became increasingly obscure.

During this period of time, she was happy with Pei Munian's company, and the happiness was enough to dilute the hatred before. If she had not thought about the past, she could have been by his side like this, not caring about love or hatred, but ... She remembered everything, remembered that he had never loved her, remembered the relationship between him and Xi Zhiwei... remembered the child who was taken away by his own hands.

Maybe she couldn't hate, but she couldn't love either.

Pei Munian didn't love her, but he stayed with her because of guilt. He would rather wrong the person he truly loved, his and Xi Zhiwei's child... This was not what she wanted.

No matter how humble she is, she doesn't want to be the third party in other people's love.

She didn't need Pei Munian's guilt, that would make her look ridiculous.

This oolong-like child was equivalent to giving her the best warning. What she shouldn't have, even if it goes around and around, it still won't really belong to her. She once wanted to hold on to something that didn't belong to her, but in the end ...Isn’t it a tragic ending?

Su Wanwan sniffed, suppressed the strong sourness, and smiled with her lips bent as much as possible, Yu Jia, I don't want to retaliate against Pei Munian, I just... give him a reason to let go.

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