Missing You Deeply

Chapter 489 Nightmare (1)

Su Wanwan raised her eyes to look at Pei Munian and nodded lightly. Thinking about the roar on the phone just now, she pursed her lips. Still unable to restrain her curiosity, she asked, Nian Nian, what did you say to me just now? Who’s calling?”

A partner.

Pei Munian's expression was calm, and even his voice was calm. He couldn't tell anything was wrong, but Su Wanwan was not stupid. If he was a partner, why would he yell at Pei Munian?

Su Wanwan opened her mouth and wanted to continue asking, but Pei Munian raised his hand and looked at his watch and said: Mr. Gu and his wife made an appointment with us for dinner at eight o'clock in the evening. It's almost time. Let's pack up and we're going to leave.

Pei Munian walked to the bed, where there was a small dress that he had ordered to prepare. He picked it up and handed it to Su Wanwan, Go and change. Don't let anyone wait.

Su Wanwan had to swallow her words when they arrived. It was indeed hard to be late. She took the clothes and nodded, Okay, then I'll change.

Pei Munian curled his lips. When Su Wanwan reached out to pick up the clothes, he did not let go immediately. Instead, his handsome face leaned toward her, and his ambiguous voice sounded in her ear, You need me. Can I change it for you?

Su Wanwan's cheeks turned red and she glared at him angrily, I don't want you to change!

She grabbed the dress from Pei Munian's hand, turned around quickly, and ran to the bathroom.

Pei Munian looked at Su Wanwan's running back, the corners of her lips still curled up, but the smile in her eyes dissipated little by little, leaving only a gloomy look.

Su Wanwan originally planned to torture Pei Munian to extract a confession after she came back from dinner, but she hit it off with Gu Ningyi's wife Dong Xinyan, and the two of them had such a great time chatting. After Gu Ningyi and Pei Munian talked about their business in the mall During the incident, the two of them drank a little secretly. After just a few drinks, her head became dizzy, and she naturally forgot all about the incident. When she woke up the next day, By that time, she was already on the plane returning to China.

The hangover was extremely uncomfortable. During the more than ten hours of flight, Su Wanwan's head was hurting and tingling. Except for Pei Munian who forcibly asked her what she had eaten during meal time, she spent the rest of the time in his arms. After sleeping, when the plane landed, she finally regained some energy, but her expression was still sluggish.

Pei Munian's eyes were filled with distress, but his words were harsh, Do you still dare to drink randomly in the future?

Su Wanwan stuck out her tongue, stretched out her finger and gestured, I drank just this much, and who knew I would get drunk...

Pei Munian patted Su Wanwan's head and said, Your body is not fully recovered yet. If you dare to drink secretly next time...

Before he finished speaking, Su Wanwan threw herself into his arms and begged for mercy, I don't dare anymore. I promise there won't be a next time!

Su Wanwan rubbed Pei Munian's chest coquettishly, Niannian, don't be angry, my head still hurts.

No acting like a baby!

Su Wanwan continued to nuzzle.

It's no use acting like a baby.

Su Wanwan stood on tiptoes, stretched out her arms to hug Pei Munian's neck, pursed her red lips, and kissed the left cheek hard.

Pei Munian glanced at her with dark eyes and said coldly, Kiss only one side?

Su Wanwan understood, stood up on tiptoes, hugged Pei Munian, kissed the right side again, and then kissed his lips, Are you not angry anymore?

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