Missing You Deeply

Chapter 487 Announcement of marriage to the whole world (9)

Pei Munian gestured to take his hand back, but Su Wanwan immediately reached out and grabbed his hand without thinking, nodding repeatedly, I do, I do, I do!

She said I do these three times louder and louder than the last.

Probably no one expected that Su Wanwan would be so unreserved, and they couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Pei Munian's eyes were full of smiles. He took the ring out of the jewelry box, held Su Wanwan's hand, and slowly put the diamond ring on Su Wanwan's ring finger. He lowered his head and softly kissed Su Wanwan's ring finger. Kissed the back of her hand.

Pei Munian stood up, glanced around the crowd again, and said, Thank you for your witness. Our wedding will be held in the near future. Everyone is welcome to watch the ceremony.

The simple, direct, and domineering declaration simply stirred up the hearts of all the women present.

Su Wanwan stared at the diamond ring on her ring finger for several seconds. Then she heard Pei Munian announce the news of their marriage in public. Her eyes were filled with excitement, excitement, happiness, sweetness and all kinds of emotions. An explosion exploded in her body, her mind became hot, and she rushed directly towards Pei Munian.

Su Wanwan almost jumped on top of him. Pei Munian subconsciously took over her body, and the next second, Su Wanwan put her arms around his neck and kissed his lips with her red lips.

She couldn't express her happiness in words, she could only tell him in this way.

Pei Munian didn't expect Su Wanwan to make such a bold move, and was stunned. Then he realized that she was now simple and direct, like a child, doing whatever she wanted without caring about other people's opinions.

Pei Munian curled his lips, and without any scruples, he turned his back on Su Wanwan's lips, pressed them into her mouth, and shared each other's sweetness with her.

Young Master Pei's wife... is really brave. On such an occasion, she will pounce on her as soon as she is told, and kiss her as soon as she is asked...

Everyone didn't know whether they were stunned or didn't react. The scene was a bit eerily quiet for a while, until a few papapapa applause came from the stage.

Everyone's attention was unconsciously drawn to the voice again. The person applauding was actually Gu Ningyi, the president of MK Group. His lips had an evil look and his voice was lazy and charming, A talented man and a beautiful woman should be blessed, shouldn't they? ?”

After Gu Ningyi said these words, everyone came to their senses and clapped along with him. Suddenly, the applause was like thunder and the blessings were full.

Pei Munian and Su Wanwan ended their passionate kiss. Their foreheads were touching, their eyes full of affection. Pei Munian's nose scratched Su Wanwan's nose, and his voice was low and sweet, Wanwan, are you satisfied with this announcement? ?”

Su Wanwan nodded without hesitation.

Pei Munian smiled softly, Shameless.

Su Wanwan didn't care whether she was ashamed or not. Anyway, Pei Munian had announced to the whole world that she was his wife. Finally, everyone knew that he was hers. Su Wanwan smiled and leaned in to kiss her again. Pei Munian.


Proposals and marriage announcements were broadcast live on domestic TVs immediately. Such blockbuster news immediately exploded in all major media and the Internet.

In just thirty minutes, related words such as Pei Munian, Su Wanwan, Pei Group, Su Enterprises, Xi Zhiwei, etc. quickly appeared on Weibo's real-time hot searches.

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