Missing You Deeply

Chapter 476 What is your relationship (9)

Su Wanwan took out the diamond ring inside again, so is this their wedding ring?

Su Wanwan tried to put it on her ring finger. The size was slightly off, but she could still put it on. She raised her hand and looked at it under the light. The diamond shone dazzlingly between her fingers, and her lips Jiao's smile became sweeter.

Aunt Wu came over and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the red marriage certificate.

Fortunately, she guessed correctly, and the marriage certificate was indeed left in the company. Now the young lady can finally feel at ease and calm down.

Aunt Wu wiped the sweat from her forehead and said: Young madam, now that we have found the marriage certificate, let's go back to the villa. It's already a little late. If the young master calls home and no one answers, we will definitely have to call him. Suspicious.

Okay, let's go back.

Su Wanwan responded, reluctantly taking off the ring in her hand, then picking up the marriage certificate and putting it back in the drawer in the same position as before. After all, she couldn't let Nian Nian discover anything was wrong.

However, she saw that there was another document under the marriage certificate. She didn't pay much attention to it, but she caught sight of the two big words divorce.

Su Wanwan's hand that was placing things suddenly paused, and her black pupils shrank slightly. Involuntarily, Li Ma's mention of her and Pei Munian's divorce agreement flashed through her ears. Her hand stretched out tremblingly. .

When her hand touched the paper, Su Wanwan gritted her teeth hard, and as if she had made up her mind, she quickly grabbed the document and picked it up.

Sure enough...the five big characters in the divorce agreement were clearly printed in her eyes. Su Wanwan's hands shook and she almost lost her grip on the agreement.

Aunt Wu felt strange when she saw Su Wanwan suddenly take out a document from the drawer. She didn't expect that it was a divorce agreement, and her expression immediately changed.

How...how could this happen...

With trembling hands, Su Wanwan quickly turned to the last page of the agreement. At the signature, both parties A and B signed, one was hers and the other was Pei Munian's.

It turns out... everything Li Ma said was true. She really agreed to divorce Niannian. In other words, their relationship was broken? Or...they never had feelings?

Su Wanwan suddenly thought of something. She picked up the marriage certificate again, opened it, and looked at the wedding photos of the two people.

Marriage should have been a happy and sweet thing, but from this photo, there was no hint of happiness or sweetness at all. After she woke up, all she saw was gentle and doting Nian Nian, and he in the photo , the eyebrows were full of coldness, and the handsome face was tense, as if extremely reluctant.

Her expression was not much better, there was no smile on her face, and her eyes were dead, as if she knew that this marriage was destined to be unhappy.

The thrill of finding the marriage certificate and the sweetness of seeing the ring disappeared in this moment. The smile on Su Wanwan's lips froze on her face, and her face turned white bit by bit.

Aunt Wu looked at Su Wanwan sitting there blankly, crumbling, and her heart was tightly clenched.

She never thought that the young master and the young lady had signed a divorce agreement, and that their relationship had reached this point...

What to do now?

Young... Madam, are you okay?

Su Wanwan suddenly got up from the chair, grabbed the divorce agreement, and ran directly towards the door!

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