Missing You Deeply

Chapter 451 Let’s sleep together (14)

From the first moment she opened her eyes, the person she saw was Nian Nian. During this period, the person who accompanied her was also Nian Nian. She could deeply feel his kindness to her and his love for her. , none of that is false.

Pei Munian was the person she was closest to and most trusted, and that man was just a stranger who appeared suddenly. She couldn't remember him and knew nothing about him. Why should she listen to him? What if he said something on purpose to trick her?

Yes, the book said that you can't trust strangers casually. She can't remember whether she knew him before, but now, he is a stranger to her, and she must learn to be wary.

Go to sleep, don't think about anything!

Su Wanwan closed her eyes, trying hard to hypnotize herself, trying to empty her mind and let herself fall asleep.

Su Wanwan turned over, put her hands and cheeks on Pei Munian, and hugged him tightly. It was enough for her to have Nian Nian!

Twelve o'clock came quietly.

Gong Lingyu stood in a pavilion in the back hill. He looked at the watch on his wrist, then looked up at the entrance. He still did not see Su Wanwan. The anticipation and anxiety in his eyes slowly faded and became In the dead silence, he was unwilling to give up after all and was making excuses for her. Maybe she was just tied up by Pei Munian and could not escape yet. Maybe she was already on the way, maybe she would be here soon.

So many possibilities, broken little by little as time goes by.

Gong Lingyu sat dejectedly on the bench of the pavilion.

What Pei Munian said to him that afternoon couldn't help but ring in his ears, he said, She won't come.

He said it so firmly and so proudly!

Gong Lingyu's hand suddenly clenched into a fist and hit the stone table hard!

Wanwan shouldn't be like this, shouldn't be fooled by Pei Munian's tenderness. She has suffered a loss once before. He will never forget how painful and heartbreaking Wanwan was back then. Her pain, he Seeing everything in his eyes, he could feel how painful she was. If he gave up so easily, he would be deceived by Pei Munian every night.

He once let go of Su Wanwan's hand so easily that she got involved with Pei Munian and experienced such pain. This time, he must not give up like this again!

He must let Su Wanwan recognize Pei Munian's true face and leave him completely.


The hot spring hotel holds some festive activities every day during the cherry blossom season. Most of the people who come here for vacation are couples or unmarried couples, so the activities are actively targeted at this group of people.

Because there is a legend here that there was a devil who took a fancy to a beautiful girl in this place. On the day of her wedding, he disrupted the wedding and snatched the bride away and wanted to take it for himself. In order to save the bride, the groom single-handedly He went to challenge the devil, finally defeated him, and rescued the bride. They lived happily together from then on.

Therefore, the hot spring hotel held an event where the devil steals the bride. Whoever can defeat the devil will be a couple who will live happily ever after.

After Su Wanwan heard about this event, her eyes instantly brightened up. She excitedly said to Pei Munian, Niannian, let's go to this event!

After a pause, she continued, You let the devil capture you, I will defeat the devil and save you!

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