Missing You Deeply

Chapter 439 Drinking and Sleeping Together (2)

But she was unwilling to leave like this. Once she left here, she and Pei Munian would never have any intersection, even if she just wanted to look at him, it would not work.

Lin Xiaoxuan opened her mouth, wanting to explain something, wanting to fight for something for herself, but Pei Munian didn't give her a chance at all. He bypassed her and walked into the villa.

Lin Xiaoxuan froze on the spot, her eyes slowly turned red, and she squatted down weakly.


Su Wanwan took a shower, changed clothes, and walked out of the bathroom refreshed. Pei Munian sat leaning on the sofa, holding a handful of red wine in his hand, shaking it slightly, raising his head, and drank it all.

This was the first time Su Wanwan saw Pei Munian drinking, which was a little strange and novel.

Su Wanwan walked over, hugged Pei Munian's neck from behind the sofa, her cheek was close to his ear, her dark eyes stared at the wine bottle on the table, and said: Nian Nian, why are you here? What about drinking?”

The book says that people who are troubled will drink, because one drink can relieve a thousand worries.

Are you worried about anything?

Pei Munian turned his face sideways and looked at Su Wanwan's big, dazzling eyes. He stretched out his hand, pulled Su Wanwan to him, and then held her in his arms. He kissed her delicate cheek. He didn't In response to Su Wanwan's question, he said, I heard from Aunt Wu that you asked her a question today.

Su Wanwan immediately stopped worrying about drinking and turned her attention. She nodded, Yes, yes, but she said she didn't know. Let me ask you.

Pei Munian smiled and said, Well, if you want to know anything, just ask me directly. Aunt Wu doesn't know everything, eh?


Su Wanwan put her hands around Pei Munian's neck and opened her lips with a smile, I want to know, what were we like before, how did we meet? Who liked whom first?

After Su Wanwan said that, she quickly added, You must have liked me first, right?

There was a smile in Pei Munian's eyes. Looking at Su Wanwan's expectant eyes, he shook his head without hesitation and said, No, you liked me first, and you pursued me first.


Su Wanwan didn't expect it to be like this, because during this period of time, she could feel how good Pei Munian was to her and how much he doted on her. No matter how you look at it, he liked her more!

I don't believe it. You must have said this deliberately to bully me into not remembering anything! Su Wanwan puffed out her cheeks to express her rejection of the answer.

But that's the truth.

Pei Munian reached out and pinched her round little face, and continued, The first time we met was at the school's freshman assembly. You fell in love with me at first sight, and you started chasing me fiercely from then on.

At that time, you were like a sticky candy, clinging to my side. You couldn't get rid of me no matter how hard you tried. You confessed to me several times a day. Well...I rejected you every time.

Su Wanwan's eyes widened, unable to imagine that she would ever be like what Pei Munian said. Where was the beautiful love she promised? Are fairy tales really all lies?

Su Wanwan still refused to believe it, You must have turned around and said, it should be you who have been chasing me and I don't like you!

I don't like...

Su Wanwan's unintentional three words were like a sharp knife, piercing into Pei Munian's heart, making him wince in pain.

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