Missing You Deeply

Chapter 433 Our Past (6)

After Lin Xiaoxuan said this, she couldn't help but smile, and she patted her head lightly, Look what I'm talking about, Miss Su, you have no memory of the past at all, how could I ask you such a question.

But even without asking, I know that Miss Su and Mr. Pei must have had a good relationship before. Are you right, Miss Su?

Since Su Wanwan woke up from the operation, her brain has been in a slow recovery state, and the condition is still very good. She is gradually able to accept information from the outside world, and can gradually regain the abilities she once had, such as reading. Understanding, like arithmetic, etc... And the only thing she didn't get back at all was about her memory.

She can do many things before learning because she has done them before, but her mind is blank about what it was like in the past, as if she never had a past.

During this period of time, Su Wanwan had been too comfortable and happy. In her world, Pei Munian was the only one in her mind, so that she had no time to think about other things. Now Lin Xiaoxuan said this casually , suddenly set off huge waves in her peaceful heart.

What was she like before? What was the relationship between her and Pei Munian like before?

In the love story that Lin Xiaoxuan was reading, the hero and heroine met each other from the beginning, battled wits and courage, attracted each other, had feelings for each other, and finally confessed affectionately. After going through some twists and turns and tests, they got married and lived happily together.

So is the relationship between her and Nian Nian the same as them? How did they meet? How did you get together? Who likes whom first, who pursues whom first? Questions like these were popping up in her mind one by one, and she couldn't stop them.

Because her memory was blank, she was even more curious and wanted to know.

Su Wanwan hugged the pillow and frowned, seeming to be thinking about something, and remained silent.

Lin Xiaoxuan's dark eyes scanned Su Wanwan's beautiful face without any trace, and a strange light flashed under her eyes very quickly. She did not disturb her and allowed her to think like this.

Even though she can't think of anything now, she knows that people without memories are very persistent in their own memories. Once the seeds of doubt are planted in her heart, she will become obsessed with it, and she will work hard to get rid of it. Find your own memory.

During this time, she saw that the relationship between Pei Munian and Su Wanwan was so good that it made her envious and jealous. The better they were, the more she found it strange that there was no news about such a loving couple before. After revealing it, she couldn't help but search for information about them, and she found that... the past between Pei Munian and Su Wanwan didn't seem to be what she saw in front of her.

Pei Munian was having an affair with Xi Zhiwei, but Su Wanwan was having an affair with another man, the young master of the Gong family, and this young master of the Gong family was Pei Munian's cousin.

After reading these scandals, her heart couldn't calm down for a long time, and she couldn't fall asleep all night. Even though both parties were involved in scandals, as far as she could tell during this period, Pei Munian was deeply in love with Su Wanwan, and Su Wanwan had hooked up with another man before. In her opinion, Su Wanwan was not worthy of Pei Munian being so kind to her...

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