Missing You Deeply

Chapter 415 Chapter 431-434 Uninvited Guest (4)

Su Wanwan didn't wait for Pei Munian to finish, she took a step back and closed the bathroom door.

Pei Munian touched her nose and was stunned for a moment. She didn't know whether to be angry or laugh. He had been spoiling her so much that he had a bad temper.

However, he enjoyed it very much. He liked to see Su Wanwan so arrogant, just like her back then.

But he wasn't ready to let Su Wanwan take a bath alone. He unlocked the door and pushed the door open again.

The caregiver has taught her that there is a difference between men and women, and she is a woman and he is a man.

As soon as Pei Munian walked towards Su Wanwan, Su Wanwan grasped the collar of her clothes again and stepped back.

Pei Munian originally thought that Su Wanwan was just angry, but now seeing her reaction like this, it didn't seem like it. He frowned slightly. Could it be that Su Wanwan was uncomfortable somewhere?

A trace of worry flashed in Pei Munian's eyes, and he hurriedly stepped forward, Wanwan, are you okay?

As soon as he came over, Su Wanwan was frightened and continued to retreat. Unexpectedly, her feet slipped. Su Wanwan screamed and fell backwards.

Pei Munian was startled, but he was quick-sighted. He grabbed Su Wanwan's wrist and brought her over with a strong force. However, the momentum was a bit strong when she leaned over, and the bathroom floor was slippery, so Pei Munian could not stand firm. The body fell backwards.

Pei Munian held Su Wanwan with one hand, and hurriedly held back the wall with the other hand. He accidentally turned on the shower head, and water poured down from his head, making both of them wet instantly.

Pei Munian failed to hold on to the wall, and the two of them fell down. The moment they fell, Pei Munian held Su Wanwan tightly in front of him, and he acted as her flesh pad.

Pei Munian groaned and felt pain in his back. Fortunately, he didn't knock his head and it was nothing serious.

Pei Munian's little bit of rationality disappeared in an instant. He picked up Su Wanwan again, walked out of the bathroom, and walked towards the big bed.

Su Wanwan looked at him doubtfully, a little unhappy, and her beautiful eyebrows furrowed.

Pei Munian just pretended not to see it, Wanwan, let's continue taking a shower. You are tired today. After washing, go to bed early.

After that, he picked up Su Wanwan and walked back to the bathroom.

The water in the bathtub was already a little cold. Pei Munian put Su Wanwan down and asked her to stand aside. He turned on the faucet and added hot water. His hand tested the temperature of the water. When it was about the same, he turned off the faucet and turned around.

Pei Munian slowly clenched his hand into a fist, lowered it, took a deep breath, and said hoarsely: Wanwan, I will ask Aunt Wu to help you take a bath today, okay?

Su Wanwan didn't understand the concept of Aunt Wu coming to help her take a bath. She still stood there blankly without any reaction.

Pei Munian also knew that talking to her was tantamount to talking to a cow, so he simply walked out and shouted downstairs at the door of the room, Sister-in-law Wu, come up here.

Sister-in-law Wu responded and quickly walked up.

Pei Munian explained to her in detail, Aunt Wu nodded, and then she walked into the bathroom, but before she could speak to Su Wanwan, Su Wanwan took a step back in resistance. The next second, she rushed Out of the bathroom.

Pei Munian was about to go to another room to take a cold shower to suppress the heat all over his body, when footsteps suddenly came from behind him, and then he was hit on the back, and two slender arms were wrapped around his waist.

Pei Munian was stunned for a moment, and turned around subconsciously. Su Wanwan shrank behind him, looking at him pitifully with her big eyes, which quickly became watery, like an abandoned puppy.

Pei Munian's heart suddenly hurt, as if he had been stabbed hard by something sharp. He quickly turned around, hugged Su Wanwan into his arms, and coaxed softly, Wanwan, I don't want to abandon you. I’m just asking Aunt Wu to do a favor.”

She is still full of insecurities about this world. The only person she can trust and rely on is him, so she is so afraid because she thinks he has abandoned her. But he is negligent.

Su Wanwan couldn't speak now. The way she could express her feelings was to hold Pei Munian's clothes tightly, her fingertips turning pale.

Pei Munian felt that her hands were grasping not his clothes, but his heart, Wanwan, don't worry, I won't leave. I will never leave. Even if you chase me away, I won't leave.

Pei Munian lowered his head and kissed Su Wanwan's forehead gently, then raised his hand and gently touched her head.

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