Missing You Deeply

Chapter 391 Give me back my life (7)

The phone rang a few times and was picked up. Then Gong Lingyu's obviously surprised voice came over, Pei...Pei Munian?

The two brothers had always had a good relationship before, but later they became estranged because of Su Wanwan. They hadn't contacted each other for a long time. I didn't expect that he would call.

Gong Lingyu paused for a moment, then reacted quickly, and his voice became colder, What's the matter?

He witnessed Su Wanwan's unhappy marriage, and the culprit was Pei Munian. He really couldn't treat him as kindly as before.

Pei Munian didn't mind Gong Lingyu's attitude. He was silent for a while and then slowly opened his lips, Ling Yu, I have something to ask you...

Su Wanwan cried for a long time that day, and her emotions could not calm down. Pei Munian stood outside the door, separated by a door, listening to the constant sobbing coming from inside, his hands hanging on both sides of his body, holding tightly He clenched it, his eyes filled with moisture.


Su Wanwan fell into a coma for several days again. In a daze, she felt someone walking to the hospital bed and sitting beside her. Then, a warm hand covered hers and held her hand little by little. live.

Su Wanwan's long curly eyelashes trembled, and she suddenly regained consciousness. Who is it? Is it Pei Munian again?

She opened her eyes suddenly, trying to see if Pei Munian was coming to threaten her again, or to make fun of her. However, what she saw was a vast expanse of white. She tried hard to open her eyes wide, trying to calm herself down. Her vision became clearer, but no matter how hard she tried, her vision was still blurry, and only a vague outline of everything could be seen.

Can she not see again?

Su Wanwan was panicked for a moment, but she quickly calmed down. She didn't care about her illness anymore, so how could she care whether she could see or not?

It's better if she can't see him anymore... She won't have to see Pei Munian anymore, and she won't have to suffer or be sad because of him.

Su Wanwan moved her hand, trying to pull her hand back, but a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ears, Wanwan, are you awake?

Su Wanwan's hand that wanted to pull away suddenly stopped. She turned her head in surprise and looked at the source of the sound. Although she couldn't see the face of the person in front of her clearly, only a rough figure, she could still clearly see Recognize his voice.

Ling...Ling Yu?

Gong Lingyu's hand squeezed Su Wanwan's hand even more tightly, and his voice was full of distress and worry, Wanwan, don't you need to take good care of yourself? How...how did you get yourself into this state?

After that **** sent Su Wanwan back to the hotel, he could no longer contact her. She didn't answer her phone calls at first. Later, her phone calls couldn't be reached. And then, it became The number is empty.

He went to the hotel to look for her, to Su's family to look for her, to Su's house to look for her, and even to Pei Munian's villa to look for her, but found nothing. He also tried his best to find out where she was, but there was no clue at all.

He never thought that when he met Su Wanwan again, she would look so haggard and embarrassed, her whole body like a wilted flower, lifeless and lifeless.

Su Wanwan seemed not to hear his words, and only asked in surprise, Ling Yu, you...why are you here?

Apart from Pei Munian, who is deliberately thinking about her, no one should know about her here...

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