Missing You Deeply

Chapter 380 I don’t want children (6)

Su Wanwan avoided Aunt Zhang, but before she took a few steps, she saw the familiar figure striding towards this direction. Assistant Wu was following behind him. Su Wanwan felt a chill down her spine. His footsteps turned in a different direction, and he squatted down and hid behind the cart.

Pei Munian walked closer with long legs, step by step. Su Wanwan shrank there, covering her lips with her hands, holding her breath, for fear of making any noise.

When Pei Munian walked over, Aunt Zhang also chased after her from the other side, with an anxious and worried look on her face, Sorry sir, Miss Su just ran away while I wasn't paying attention.

Pei Munian's black eyes suddenly sank, and his tone was solemn, When did it happen?

Just now. Aunt Zhang replied, Sir, did you see Miss Su when you came in? If not, Miss Su probably hasn't left the hospital yet. She is very weak now.

Pei Munian clenched his hands slightly, took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: Assistant Wu, immediately ask someone to guard the door. If you see her, don't let her leave. You and Aunt Zhang are looking for you inside the hospital. She shouldn’t be able to go far.”

Assistant Wu nodded, Understood.

Aunt Zhang also nodded, Okay.

Go ahead.

After leaving these words, Pei Munian also took steps forward, looked around, and started searching.

After the three of them walked away, Su Wanwan supported the cart and stood up slowly. She didn't expect Pei Munian to come so quickly. Now that the door was guarded, she couldn't go to the door, and they They were all searching inside the hospital. If she couldn't leave quickly, they would find her sooner or later. What should she do?

Su Wanwan's hand grabbed the cart hard, her fingertips turned pale. She must not be caught by Pei Munian again, and she could not let him hurt her child again.

A nurse was walking by, and Su Wanwan reached out to stop her, and spoke in a low voice, Ms. Nurse, may I ask, besides the hospital gate, is there any other place where I can go out of this hospital?

The nurse nodded, Yes, the hospital has a back entrance.

Su Wanwan felt happy, How to go?

The nurse pointed the way to Su Wanwan, but when she saw Su Wanwan's pale face and shaky body, she couldn't help but asked with concern: Miss, are you okay? You look very bad.

I'm fine, thank you.

After saying this, Su Wanwan endured the discomfort in her body and moved towards the door of the hospital with difficulty and caution.

Su Wanwan felt her stomach hurt every time she took a step. She held her stomach and tried to speak out, Baby, come on, hold on. Mom will be fine after she leaves the hospital. You have to be strong so that she can protect her. do you know?

Encouraging the baby in her belly also encouraged herself. Even if every step she took was so painful, she could persevere for the sake of her child.

She gradually approached the back door of the hospital. It was quiet and cold here, with no one around.

Su Wanwan looked at the back door, which was only a few hundred meters away from her, her eyes brightening slightly. As long as she persisted in walking this distance, she would be able to escape Pei Munian's surveillance.

Su Wanwan thought and couldn't help but speed up her pace.

Suddenly, a trolley rushed out from beside her. Su Wanwan only focused on walking forward, not caring about her left and right sides. When the trolley rushed towards her, she was unable to dodge and was hit hard on her side.

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