Missing You Deeply

Chapter 374 Worst case scenario (10)

Before Pei Munian came here, his decision had always been firm. His choice was only Su Wanwan from beginning to end. However, when he came here and saw the B-ultrasound photo of Su Wanwan holding the baby, he saw She was smiling in her dreams and thinking about the baby, and his heart began to shake and tremble.

He had seen how desperate Su Wanwan was to protect this child. If he continued to use force to remove her child like before, she would definitely collapse.

Pei Munian's firm heart retreated little by little. He came today originally to tell Su Wanwan, but he still made the same decision as before, not wanting this child, but only her.

When her body recovers, if she wants, they can have many, many children and form a football team.

Now, the words are stuck in my throat and I can't say anything.

Pei Munian closed his eyes gently, suppressing the soreness in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed Su Wanwan's lips. Then, his eyes fell on the B-ultrasound photo.

Before, he didn't dare to look at this B-ultrasound photo because he was afraid that if he looked at it, he would be reluctant to let it disappear.

Unexpectedly, he saw it after all.

Pei Munian's fingertips tremblingly touched the photo. The child was so small and huddled up that he couldn't actually see anything clearly, but it touched people's hearts so much.

This was the child he and Wanwan had... the child he had always dreamed of.

Now, he is pregnant in the belly of his beloved woman. In seven months, he will be born. The fusion of his and Su Wanwan's blood will be their lifelong bond.

Pei Munian's hand gently fell on Su Wanwan's belly. Her belly was already slightly bulging and slightly curved. Pei Munian's hand touched it, as if he could really feel life flowing inside.

Wanwan. Pei Munian took a deep breath, as if he had made an extremely difficult decision, his voice was hoarse, and he spoke slowly word by word, How about we give each other another half month? Okay? If...if your blood clot does not continue to expand and you don't show other signs, then I will bet on this game with you. We will insist on giving birth to the child and then do the operation, but...if unfortunately... The blood clot continues to expand, then...please forgive my selfishness, I will choose...to abandon this child. Because, I can lose him, but I can't lose you!


After Su Wanwan's late pregnancy check-up, it was confirmed that the baby was growing healthily in her belly. The heavy stone in her heart had dropped a lot. These days, she became more active in doing appropriate exercises and eating more. Provide nutritional supplements to your baby.

However, although the baby was quite healthy, her own condition was getting worse and worse. When she got up this morning, she found that her hands and feet were a little weak. She struggled on the bed for a while before she regained her strength.

Su Wanwan slowed down and then stood up with support on her body. Unexpectedly, when her feet landed on the ground, her feet became weak again and she fell back onto the bed. She subconsciously exclaimed.

Aunt Zhang outside seemed to have heard her cry and rushed in quickly, Miss Su, are you okay? I, I will help you up.

Aunt Zhang said and stretched out her hand in front of Su Wanwan. Su Wanwan reached out towards her, but missed her hand and stretched it to the side.

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