Missing You Deeply

Chapter 361 Silent Love (3)

Previously, Pei Munian and Xi Zhiwei's romance was announced in such a high-profile manner that many reporters and paparazzi have been following the new developments between them. But now that they are preparing for their wedding, no news has been released.

If the Pei family is going to hold a wedding, there should be news, but during this period, she has never seen anything about their wedding in the news.

But... maybe they are still in the preparation period, so they haven't announced it yet.

Su Wanwan smiled bitterly. She didn't know why she was still paying attention to and caring about these things now. Neither Pei Munian nor Xi Zhiwei had anything to do with her, right?

The days of raising a baby were calm and peaceful. Su Wanwan went to bed early and got up early every day. After dinner in the evening, she would go for a walk in the park opposite the apartment downstairs, treating it as exercise.

She signed up for a class for expectant mothers and went to classes regularly to learn about her body and her baby.

All the focus of Su Wanwan's life fell on her child, and she devoted herself to taking good care of her body and ensuring that her baby could grow up healthily in her belly.

During this period of time, she rarely thought about Pei Munian. Maybe she ignored it deliberately, or maybe her memory was getting worse and worse. Then for the first time, she felt that bad memory was also a good thing. She could slowly forget about Pei Munian. , forget all those pains, wait until one day, she encounters him on the street, she can smile calmly.

Of course, there are moments of bitterness and melancholy, such as when she walks alone in the park and looks at the loving couples, or when she goes to classes for expectant mothers, where husbands usually accompany their wives. She was the only one who went up, sitting alone in the double seat.

On this day, Su Wanwan had just finished her class. It started to rain heavily outside. She didn’t bring an umbrella. Taxis were rare and hard to stop on rainy days. The expectant mothers who were in class with her were all picked up by their expectant fathers. Su Wanwan I called my aunt late at night, but she didn’t answer for some reason.

Su Wanwan stood under the eaves of a small roof, with raindrops hitting her body, and the chill kept coming over her.

Su Wanwan called her aunt again, but no one answered. She couldn't wait any longer. If she got sick, it would affect the baby. She raised her eyes and looked around. There was a convenience store diagonally opposite her. , where she could go to take shelter from the rain.

However, the convenience store was about a few hundred meters away from her, so she still had to walk in the rain.

Su Wanwan only hesitated for a moment, then took off her coat and put it over her head, intending to walk over as quickly as possible to avoid catching a cold.

It was raining and the road was slippery. Su Wanwan walked forward very carefully. Unexpectedly, when she was walking halfway, she suddenly felt a stinging pain in her head. A motorcycle drove quickly towards her.

When Su Wanwan saw the car, it was already close at hand, as if it was going to hit her in the next second. Her black pupils suddenly dilated, she exclaimed, and she subconsciously hugged her belly.

Just when Su Wanwan thought the motorcycle would hit her, her whole body was suddenly pulled into an embrace by a force, and she was turned around. Then, she heard a heavy groan.

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