Missing You Deeply

Chapter 358 You Win (8)

The sunlight from the window slanted in and hit the side of Pei Munian's face. His facial features were surrounded by a halo of light, but he could not feel a trace of warmth. Only the bone-gnawing cold invaded him fiercely.

Pei Munian closed his eyes and used all his strength to suppress his desire to regret. He forced himself to lift his feet, turned around, and walked out of the ward step by step.

Su Wanwan looked at Pei Munian's figure, slowly disappearing in front of her eyes. There was joy in her eyes, but she was still a little sad. This time she and Pei Munian... should be truly over.

She blinked her eyes slowly, her eyes turning red again. Her pressure to die still forced out some of Pei Munian's conscience. This was the first time that she... defeated Pei Munian.

The love she had lasted from the age of eighteen to this day could only win once, which was not unbearable.

Su Wanwan's hand slowly covered her belly and stroked it gently. Fortunately, she could keep him. In the future, she would have a baby, and... him and her baby, that would be enough.

It's just that she feels sorry for her baby, because in this life, she will never be able to tell him that Pei Munian is his father.

Su Wanwan didn't stay in the hospital longer. She borrowed the nurse's mobile phone and called Xiaomei to pick her up.

Xiaomei came very quickly and ran into the ward panting. Seeing Su Wanwan's weak appearance, tears fell down. Sister Wanwan, you haven't been able to contact me in the past few days. It scared me to death. Why are you in the hospital? Are you okay?

It's okay, everything is over... Su Wanwan whispered back, then smiled, Let's go, let's get out of here first.

Although Pei Munian promised to let her go, he might go back on his word, so the top priority was for her to leave the hospital as quickly as possible and out of Pei Munian's sight.


Xiaomei helped Su Wanwan out of the hospital. She opened the door of the back seat of the car and let Su Wanwan sit in. She closed the door gently, walked around to the driver's seat, opened the door, sat in, and started the car. car.

The terrace on the second floor of the hospital.

Assistant Wu turned his face and looked at Pei Munian, who was standing there quietly. He was like a still statue, standing motionless. There was no expression or warmth on his handsome face, making it impossible to guess where he was. What to think.

Assistant Wu glanced downstairs again, his eyes full of worry and anxiety. He couldn't hold it back, but he still spoke, Mr. Pei, are you really going to let the young lady go like this?

She didn't abort the child. The child was her time bomb and could take her life away in any minute. Did the big boss just ignore it?

Pei Munian seemed to have not heard Assistant Wu's words. His dark eyes were dark, without any waves, bottomless and unfathomable.

Assistant Wu is a typical example of an emperor who is not in a hurry and an eunuch who is in a hurry. He has watched the relationship between the two people develop all the way. He really doesn't want to see them end like this. He couldn't help but say, Mr. Pei, you If you regret it now, it’s still too late.”

Downstairs, the car had slowly driven away. Assistant Wu looked at Pei Munian's still indifferent expression and sighed with regret.

However, before he finished sighing, he could only hear Pei Munian's deep voice, word by word, I will not give up on Su Wanwan.

Assistant Wu was stunned, what... does this mean?

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