Missing You Deeply

Chapter 340 I’d rather you hate me (2)

The room was very dark, with only the silver moonlight pouring down through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The man walked step by step to the bedside. He sat down gently and looked at Su Wanwan who was sleeping in the moonlight.

She curled up and slept uneasily. She didn't know whether it was because of a headache or a nightmare. There was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, and her delicate brows were frowned tightly, forming a small mountain peak.

The man's hand touched Su Wanwan's face and rubbed it gently with his fingertips. People said that pregnant women would gain weight, but she was getting thinner and thinner. There was almost no flesh on her face and her chin was pointed.

He watched quietly, his eyes a little sour and red. He raised his hand, moved it down, and slowly fell on Su Wanwan's belly, and his eyes gradually became wet.

He has asked people to investigate the child's matter. Even though there is no result yet, he still feels that it is his child, but... he is destined to him but has no share.

He couldn't risk Su Wanwan's life. She didn't have to love him, but...she couldn't disappear into this world, couldn't be so cruel and abandon him without care.

Hi, baby. Pei Munian's voice was hoarse, as if he had gravel in his mouth. It's our first time meeting you. Let me introduce you formally. I... am your dad. Nice... to meet you.

Pei Munian raised his hand to wipe his face. The hand covering Su Wanwan's belly began to tremble unconsciously. His voice became lower and lower, Baby, I really want to...I want to welcome you here. Come to the world, I can see what you look like, I can hug you, I can give you all the beauty in this world, but if this is the price of your mother's life, I'm sorry, I can only choose your mother.

For Pei Munian, the only one unique in this world is Su Wanwan.

Pei Munian sat by the bed for a long time. It was almost dawn before he moved his stiff body. Then, he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on Su Wanwan's forehead. He stood up and quietly Leave silently.

Pei Munian left the hotel and returned to his car. He first went back to the villa and took a shower. When he came out, it was already bright outside.

The cell phone rings.

Pei Munian wiped his wet hair with a towel, walked to the bedside table, picked up the phone, and answered, Talk.

Mr. Pei, the matter you asked me to investigate has come to fruition.


Su Wanwan slept until noon, then woke up leisurely.

The sun was bright and shone across the entire room. The light was a bit dazzling. Su Wanwan squinted her eyes. It took her a while to get used to the light, and she slowly sat up.

Su Wanwan's dark eyes surrounded her surroundings. She was in her familiar hotel room, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

She knew that her memory was getting worse and worse, and she was really worried that one day she would wake up and do strange things in an unknown place, just like yesterday...she woke up in Pei Munian's office inexplicably.

Su Wanwan sat on the bed and tried hard to recall what happened yesterday. However, she remembered that she went to the hospital and what the doctor said to her. She just couldn't remember why she went to see Pei Munian. .

Su Wanwan was still thinking hard when her phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was... Pei Munian's call.

(Keep the elder or the child safe, hahahahaha~~~Isn’t it too evil for me to do this? Well, reflect on it, I am so good, I need to give you a ticket, good night~)

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