Missing You Deeply

Chapter 337 Choice (9)

Can't keep it...

Su Wanwan's face turned slightly pale and her body swayed unconsciously. She had never thought about having a child. The child came without warning and caught her off guard. She was panicked and confused, and just wanted to get rid of him. , but when she really calmed down and woke up, she felt that this child was in her body, breathing and growing with her. They had the same blood and the same heartbeat, and he had integrated bit by bit. Her heart had become an inseparable part of her body, but now it told her that she might not be able to keep this child?

No, no, no.

Su Wanwan shook her head, shaking her head hard. She covered her belly with her hands, her lips trembled hard, she forced her voice out of her throat, I will not give up my child, nothing will happen to my child, I will Keep him.

The doctor looked at Su Wanwan and sighed softly, Ms. Su, I can understand your mood. No mother is willing to give up her child easily, but it depends on the situation, because we can't see her yet. to the specific situation, so I just have a preliminary suspicion that there is congestion in your head, which is the best case scenario.

After a pause, the doctor's expression became more serious and continued, But if the congestion in your head has formed a blood clot, it would be very dangerous. The blood clot will produce different symptoms depending on where it is pressed. For example, you are now You may experience blurred memory and drowsiness, which may lead to blurred vision, limb weakness, hemiplegia, and mental abnormalities in the future. As the blood clot increases, intracerebral pressure will increase, possibly causing dangers such as stopping of breathing. This is about When it comes to your life, you must think it over carefully.

Su Wanwan sat there in a daze, her eyes dull, and her whole soul seemed to have been sucked away.

She didn't understand some of the professional terms the doctor said. The only thing she could understand was that once she really had a blood clot in her brain, it would endanger her life, and if she wanted to survive, she would have to undergo surgery. , she would have to sacrifice her child...

How ridiculous.

She has lost her grandfather, and then she has lost Pei Munian. Finally, she can have a child that truly belongs to her and will not leave her. Will her child also leave her now?

She thought she wouldn't be left alone, she thought she could start her new life with her children, why...why would God play this kind of joke on her again?

Su Wanwan blinked, her eyes became wet, and her voice became hoarse when she spoke, Doctor, maybe it's not that serious, right? Maybe, I just hit my head and the inside of my head was swollen. What kind of congestion, blood clot, so I don’t need surgery, right?”

Ms. Su, I can't give you any definite answer without a thorough examination. We can only analyze the possible results for you based on your situation, so that you can be mentally prepared and make a choice.

In short, my advice to you is to get checked as soon as possible, otherwise if it is delayed for a long time, a worse situation may occur.

You can think about it. If you are ready to undergo the examination, then terminate the pregnancy first, and then I will arrange the most detailed examination for you...

However, before the doctor could finish his words, Su Wanwan suddenly interrupted him, No, don't think about it, I won't be examined now.

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