Missing You Deeply

Chapter 334 Choice (6)

Pei Munian's eyes were so sharp that Su Wanwan felt as if she was invisible in front of him. She was eager to get rid of this situation and did not want to confront Pei Munian anymore.

I, I remember, it was just because... I had a headache, so my memory was a little confused. I, I can remember everything now.

Su Wanwan swallowed her saliva and continued, Anyway, what's going on with me has nothing to do with you, I'm leaving.

Su Wanwan pushed Pei Munian away with both hands. She stood up again and walked quickly towards the door. However, after taking two steps, she seemed to remember something and stepped back again, then put her down. He picked up the bag on the table and left quickly.

Pei Munian sat there, his dark eyes fixed on her, watching her go, watching her go and come back, watching her pick up her bag and continue to walk out of the door. His eyes slowly retracted and fell on the bag in his hand. That divorce agreement.

The purpose of her coming to him today was for this divorce agreement. Just now... she was still clutching the divorce agreement tightly even when she fell into a coma. Now... she didn't think of this divorce agreement at all? Isn't she... inconsistent?

Su Wanwan's behavior when she woke up was a bit strange. The confusion in her eyes seemed to be real. She didn't seem to know why she was here and why she hit her head. How was she doing?

Various thoughts emerged in Pei Munian's eyes, but he couldn't think of a reason for the moment. He pondered for more than ten seconds, then got up, grabbed the car keys, and strode towards the door.

When Pei Munian walked out of the door, he happened to meet Dr. Zhao who was coming towards him. Just as he was about to say hello, Pei Munian said directly: Follow me, I have something to ask you.

Dr. Zhao was stunned for a moment, then nodded, Okay.


Su Wanwan went downstairs, left the Pei Group, sat in her car, locked it, then patted her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, nothing wrong happened to Pei Munian, but...she was so good, why was she in Pei Munian's office? In the end, did she go to find Pei Munian herself, or did Pei Munian take her there?

If she went to find it by herself, what would she do to find Pei Munian? If Pei Munian took her there, what would Pei Munian do to her?

Many questions floated in her mind, but she didn't have any answers.

The tingling sensation in her head was still very strong. Whenever Su Wanwan thought about what to think about, she would get a splitting headache, so that she didn't dare to think about anything anymore.

The cell phone rang suddenly. Su Wanwan held her forehead with one hand, reached into her bag with the other hand, took out her cell phone, pressed the answer button, and said in a weak voice, Hello.

Yu Jia heard something was wrong with Su Wanwan's voice and couldn't help but worry: Wanwan? What's wrong with you? Why does your voice sound like this?

I, I think I hit my head just now, and now I have a severe headache.

Headache? Why are you so careless? Didn't you see the text message I sent you? The last time the doctor checked you, he found that there seemed to be something wrong with your brain, which caused the headache, and now it's happened again.

Wha, what? Su Wanwan seemed a little unbelievable and said in surprise: I, what happened to my head?

I'm not sure what's going on. You should come to the hospital first and let the doctor check you out.

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