Missing You Deeply

Chapter 316 Get Out (12)

Pregnant... These three words were swirling in Su Wanwan's ears, and a sharp pain hit her head. Her vision went dark and she lost consciousness...

The nurse quickly stabilized Su Wanwan's leaning body, and anxiously asked the doctors and nurses passing by for help, Someone, please help me!

A doctor came forward and while doing a simple examination on Su Wanwan, he asked the nurse, How is she doing?

The nurse replied: It seems to be caused by a headache.

Have a headache?

The doctor pressed Su Wanwan's temples and philtrum, but she had no reaction. He said decisively: Let's send her to the brain department first.

After that, he bent down, picked up Su Wanwan, and strode towards the brain department.


Su Wanwan vaguely felt noises in her ears. Someone was talking. She also felt something cold pressing against her head. Something was moving on it, and then something was pressing on her head. His head was suddenly pressed in one place, and it was extremely painful. Su Wanwan's confused consciousness was immediately awakened by the pain, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

The nurse looked over and said, Miss Su, are you awake?

Su Wanwan moved her stiff eyes, and slowly looked at the nurse. Her eyes went from confusion to clarity, and the memories in her mind came back bit by bit, but there were some blurs, so she didn't know what she was doing for a moment. Is the memory real, or is it a dream?

Miss Su, how are you feeling? Are you feeling better?

Su Wanwan looked at the nurse intently, and her dry lips slowly opened. However, she did not answer the nurse's question, but asked the doubts in her heart word by word, Just now...you, are you? What did you say to me?

Said she was...pregnant?

She didn't have the courage to say these last few words.

Su Wanwan's voice was low and trembling, and her hands unconsciously clenched the sheets under the hospital bed.

The nurse was slightly surprised. After all, she had only fainted for more than ten minutes. Why didn't she remember what she said? However, she was surprised, and the nurse answered truthfully, Yes, Miss Su. The test results have come out and it is confirmed that you are pregnant. The baby is about four weeks old.

It turns out it wasn't a dream, it turned out to be real... Su Wanwan's long curly eyelashes trembled fiercely, and her whole body was instantly covered with an icy chill.

She is really pregnant.

Four weeks...one month, was she conceived that night? Why... She obviously took birth control pills, she obviously didn't want it, she obviously wanted to completely cut off the relationship with Pei Munian, why did God play tricks on her like this?

This is because she loves Pei Munian, is this her punishment for being greedy? But she has clearly realized her mistake, but she has clearly woken up. Why still refuse to let her go? Why!

She is about to divorce Pei Munian, and Pei Munian is about to marry Xi Zhiwei. Her life is already a joke, and this child, not even born yet, is already a joke.

The fog was rising in front of her eyes, and tears were shining in her eyes, but Su Wanwan laughed, but the laughter was sad but miserable.

The nurse saw that Su Wanwan's face turned pale and she looked lost. She couldn't help but worry: Miss Su, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?

Su Wanwan bit her lower lip with her teeth, and something flashed across her tearful eyes. She raised her hand, wiped away her tears, suddenly lifted herself up, and walked directly towards the door.

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