Missing You Deeply

Chapter 309 Get Out (5)

Gong Lingyu named a number.

Su Wanwan's beautiful eyes widened slightly. She calculated the time on the day she went to find Pei Munian, and the time Gong Lingyu said now was indeed exactly seven days.

However, she clearly felt that she had just fallen asleep not long ago. How come seven days had passed?

Su Wanwan still couldn't believe it. She walked to the room and picked up her mobile phone. There were many missed calls on it, most of them were from Gong Lingyu, and some were from Xiaomei. Su Wanwan looked at it. According to the time, the earliest call was made seven days ago, and the time on the phone is indeed what Gong Lingyu said, it is now seven days later.

Oh my God, she slept for seven days?

how can that be possible?

Moreover, she does not feel dehydrated or hungry now. Although she is a little depressed and her head is still a little dizzy, there are no major problems in other aspects. It is not like she is not eating or drinking. He who slept for seven days.

Gong Lingyu also walked in and saw Su Wanwan sitting on the bed in a daze, frowning, as if he couldn't figure something out. He couldn't help but said: Wanwan, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?

I, I... Su Wanwan licked her dry lips and spoke slowly, I seem... to have really slept for seven days. I feel like I have slept for a long time, but... it has passed. Seven days.

Gong Lingyu felt funny when he heard her somewhat incoherent words, Wanwan, what are you talking about? Have you not woken up yet? How could you sleep like this for seven days?

Gong Lingyu glanced at the table inadvertently. There was an instant noodle on the table. Gong Lingyu walked over and touched the box. There was still residual warmth on it, which showed that Su Wanwan had just soaked it. , he smiled and said: Look, you made this instant noodles yourself, right? If you have been sleeping, who will make it for you? Gong Lingyu glanced at the trash can next to him again, and there were several noodles thrown in it. The finished instant noodle box, These are all what you eat, right? It's just Wanwan, why have you only eaten instant noodles in the past seven days?

Instant noodles?

Su Wanwan blinked, her eyes filled with confusion. When had she ever eaten instant noodles? Why didn't she have any impression?

Su Wanwan got up and wanted to walk over to take a look. She accidentally tripped over the mobile phone cord. She stopped and looked along the cell phone cord. It turned out that the cell phone cord was connected to her mobile phone for charging.

She was dumbfounded again. When did she plug in the charger?

Su Wanwan raised her eyes and looked around carefully. There were more or less changes in the room. For example, she saw dirty clothes scattered on the floor, half-drunk milk on the table, and her skin care products. The position of the items seems to be different from before.

In the past seven days, she didn't seem to be sleeping all the time. She also got up, ate, drank, took a bath, etc. However... why did she feel like she had no memory?

When Gong Lingyu saw that Su Wanwan was still in such a daze, he walked over and waved his finger in front of her, Wanwan, what's wrong with you? Are you so distracted?

Ling Yu, I...I, it seems that I really haven't slept for seven days, but, but I can't remember what I did. I, I want to think about it, I want to think about it.

Su Wanwan tried hard to recall, trying to remember the memories of these seven days. Vaguely, some vague fragments seemed to flash through her mind, but she couldn't get it clear. Moreover, her head still felt a little tingling, which made her face turn slightly pale. .

(Why is Wanwan so swollen~~ Today is another new week. We have the same old rules. Let’s recommend more than 8,000 votes. More updates will be added after 8,000. OK? Honey, hurry up and vote with your little hands, okay? ~~)

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