Missing You Deeply

Chapter 296 Need to give her a status (6)

Su Wanwan suddenly reached out and patted her cheek, secretly despising herself. What was she thinking? This kind of thing was supposed to be discussed in person. He made an appointment at the hotel, and maybe he was staying in the hotel.

Of course, if he really had any bad intentions, it wouldn't be so easy, right? If he dared, she would beat him to pieces!

Su Wanwan adjusted her thoughts and returned her attention to the business. Although her sister lent her a large amount of money, she spent most of it. She wanted to buy the 10% tomorrow. Things are a bit tight, and my sister probably has no money anymore. She can't ask her sister for it anymore, so tomorrow she can only try her best to impress that gentleman with her sharp tongue and sincere heart!

Su Wanwan had a good night's rest and was energetic enough to set out the next day.

When she arrived at the door of the hotel room, Su Wanwan was somewhat wary. She first called Xiaomei, reported her location, and then told her that if she didn't give her any information within three hours, Then call the police!

When she was ready, she straightened her clothes, smoothed her hair, took a gentle breath, raised her hand, and knocked on the door.

There were footsteps behind the door soon, and then the door was opened from the inside. Su Wanwan straightened her back and spoke softly, Hello, first... sir?

The person standing inside the door was not a man, but a woman in a professional suit, smiling at her.

Su Wanwan was suddenly confused, Am I looking in the wrong place? When I called yesterday, it was clearly a man?

Don't tell her, this woman's voice is a male?

The woman still smiled and spoke in a gentle voice, Miss Su, you are not mistaken. I am your assistant. My surname is Chen. You can call me Assistant Chen.

That's right, hello, I'm Su Wanwan. Su Wanwan greeted politely.

Assistant Chen led Su Wanwan into the room, asked her to sit down on the sofa, and poured her a cup of tea. Su Wanwan nodded and said thank you, picked up the teacup and took a sip. While drinking, she observed it without leaving any trace. No trace of the man was found around the room.

Su Wanwan swallowed her tea and put down her tea cup. Just as she was about to ask, Assistant Chen spread out a document and handed it to her, Ms. Su, this is the equity proxy statement. Take a look at it. If you don't have it, Question, just sign here.”

Su Wanwan was stunned for a moment and took the document from Assistant Chen. After reading it, she was even more stunned.

She was mentally prepared to have a verbal battle with everyone today, but before she said a word, the gentleman directly gave her the equity as an agent? And...it's still unconditional.

Could she still be dreaming?

Su Wanwan's big eyes widened, and then she reached out and pinched her thigh hard. The next second, pain hit her immediately, and she gasped in pain.

Assistant Chen was surprised when he saw Su Wanwan like this, Miss Su, what are you...

I, am I really not dreaming? Why did you, sir, transfer the equity agency to me unconditionally?

Although it is not a purchase, she has an agent, which means she can control the shares on her own. Then she holds 51% of the shares, surpassing the Pei Group.

I don't know about this. I just follow orders and do things. But it's not completely unconditional. Our husband said that he hopes you can promise him one thing, anything.

(Should Wanwan agree or not~~Jie Su’s question~~Sister Wei Mao hasn’t officially appeared yet, because I haven’t thought of a name yet. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments. Maybe I was overturned by him~~Today I want to vote for my sister’s aloof and domineering, click on the next page to vote, good night~~)

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