Missing You Deeply

Chapter 292 Need to give her a status (2)

Su Wanwan lay on Gong Lingyu's shoulder, unable to restrain herself any longer, and cried loudly.

This shoulder was not the shoulder she wanted to rely on, but now, she could only use this shoulder to vent all her sadness, grievance, and pain.

At this moment, she allowed herself to be vulnerable, regardless of how vulnerable she was.

Su Wanwan's tears soaked Gong Lingyu's clothes. The tears soaked through the clothes and touched his skin. They were so hot that they seemed to be burning his heart. He began to hate Pei Munian a little and how he could hurt this beautiful girl like this.

Gong Lingyu stretched out his hand and gently hugged Su Wanwan's shoulders, his voice became hoarse, Wanwan, when you're done crying, completely forget about the person who made you sad, and let him completely disappear from your world. From now on, he will never be able to hurt you again.

Su Wanwan didn't know how long she cried, as if she had cried out the tears for the rest of her life. Suddenly, she straightened up, stepped on the sand with her bare feet, and ran towards the sea.

Gong Lingyu was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but said: Wanwan, what are you doing?

Su Wanwan ran to the sea, facing the endless sea, and shouted in a hoarse voice, Pei Munian! You bastard, I don't want to love you anymore. From today on, get out of here!

Pei Munian, if I could have my life over again, I would rather never know you!

Pei Munian, goodbye!

Goodbye, my youth, my love.

Su Wanwan screamed for a long time, her voice was completely hoarse and her strength was gone. She slumped down and stared at the sea blankly, smiling dreamily.

The sea water rose and fell, and the water came up. It was extremely cold, but it also completely woke her up.

Her dreams, good, bad, happy, sad, all came to her senses!

After a long time, Gong Lingyu came up from behind, stood beside her, and looked down at her, Are you sober? I'll take you home when you do.

Su Wanwan didn't object anymore and nodded slowly.

Gong Lingyu stretched out his hand towards her, and Su Wanwan smiled. She wanted to get up by herself, but she really had no strength anymore. She put her hand on Gong Lingyu's and used his strength to get up, Thank you.

The two people walked back and got into the car. Gong Lingyu carefully fastened the seat belt for Su Wanwan, then started the car and left.

None of them noticed that in a dark place, there were dots of bright lights that continued to shine, capturing everything tonight.


Su Wanwan returned to the hotel, covered her head and fell asleep. After sleeping for a whole day and night, she got up from the bed, opened the curtains, and the sunlight outside the window came in. She raised her face to welcome the rising sun.

Life is so long, and the days are always moving forward. She has been decadent for so many days. It is time to pick up her mood, cheer up, and do what she should do.

Without love, there are many other things in her life, such as her company.

Although she and her grandfather had a falling out, for her, Su's family was not just a matter of obeying her grandfather's orders. She had also promised her parents at the beginning, and Su's family was like her home. Even if there is little hope, she still has to work hard.

Regardless of whether she wins or loses, she will fight until the last second!

Su Wanwan put on light makeup, put on a mature black suit, and drove to the company.

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