Missing You Deeply

Chapter 288 The only thing I can’t give you (8)

Beat up the bad guy?

But what kind of heartless person is Pei Munian? It had always been her wishful thinking. He had never loved her, so how could he have failed her? How could she beat him?

She went up and saw him and Xi Zhiwei'en loving each other. She couldn't beat him, and she would make herself a big joke again!

The more Su Wanwan thought about it, the sadder she became, and she cried louder.

The uncle driver couldn't help but understand that when faced with this kind of situation, most women choose to swallow their anger and don't want to just tear off their last face. Not everyone has the courage to face the cruel reality.

In this case, let's just keep it out of sight.

The uncle driver thought for a while and said, Miss, I think you are quite young. There is no grass anywhere in the world, so why should you have unrequited love for a flower, ahem, a grass? Let's wave our sleeves and walk away gracefully. You want Where are you going? I’ll take you there for free.”

Su Wanwan cried so sadly that she was out of breath and unable to answer the driver's question.

The uncle driver turned back to look at her, his brows furrowed. He was still waiting to finish work and go home to see his wife and children. He couldn't stay here crying with her all night. He continued to persuade her, Miss, don't cry. Come on, cry here. If the heartless man and mistress upstairs hear you, you will be even more embarrassed. You'd better tell me your address quickly and I'll take you away.

Su Wanwan was so immersed in her own world that she could not listen to what the driver said.

The uncle driver was scratching his head and head in anxiety, and for a moment he really didn’t know what to do.

Suddenly, Su Wanwan's cell phone rang, and the driver's eyes lit up. This might be a call from her friend. If she didn't answer him, he could send her to her friend!

Su Wanwan didn't answer the phone, so the driver had no choice but to say: Miss, I'll answer the call for you first.

As he spoke, he reached out, took the cell phone she was holding tightly from Su Wanwan's hand, and directly clicked the answer button, Hello.

Gong Lingyu on the other end of the phone was startled when he heard a man's voice. His voice immediately became serious, Isn't this Su Wanwan's cell phone? Who are you?

Yes, yes, this is the lady's mobile phone. I am a taxi driver. Are you a friend of this lady? She is crying very sadly and cannot answer your call. Could you please give me an address? I’ll send the person over to you.”

Gong Lingyu's eyes darkened and he quickly replied, Okay, I'll tell you the address and I'll wait for you here.

After confirming the address, the driver started the car, turned the steering wheel, turned around, and drove out towards the entrance of the community.


Pei Mu looked back at Xi Zhiwei intently. His eyes looked at her with sympathy, pity, and guilt, but he didn't have what she wanted. Xi Zhiwei's heart trembled.

Pei Munian raised his hand and pushed Xi Zhiwei away again. He pursed his lips and spoke in a calm, calm and distant voice.

Weiwei, I will be responsible for this matter. After all...it happened because of me, and you were hurt because of me, so I will take responsibility and take good care of you. I can keep you worry-free for the rest of your life. You can do whatever you want, live however you want, and I can give you whatever you want, but the only thing I can't give you is my love and marriage. So, don't have expectations or fantasies.

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