Missing You Deeply

Chapter 160 Fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed (9)

Chapter 160 Fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed (9)

When Xi Zhiwei's lips were about to touch Pei Munian's, an alarm sounded outside, Xi Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Why did the siren go off? Did something happen outside?

Vaguely, Xi Zhiwei heard commotion outside the door, so she straightened her body, stood up, and walked towards the door, intending to go out to see what happened.

After the alarm sounded, people kept opening the door of the room and came out asking what happened. Suddenly, the whole corridor became chaotic. Su Wanwan looked over one by one, trying to find out which room Xi Zhiwei and Pei Munian were in. Finally, she saw in the crowd. Xi Zhiwei.

She opened the door from the middle room, walked out, looked around, and seemed to want to know what happened, but she didn't see Pei Munian, and Pei Munian didn't come out of the room.

Damn it! The alarm sounded, but he was still in the room, did he just want to stay with Xi Zhiwei?

Su Wanwan clenched her hands tightly and gritted her silver teeth. The more they wanted to stay together, the more she would not let them do so.

Su Wanwan's dark eyeballs rolled around, and suddenly she had an idea. Taking advantage of the chaos of the crowd, she lowered herself and walked quietly towards the door of the room, then slipped into the room from behind Xi Zhiwei, Then gently close the door of the room.

When Xi Zhiwei came out, she didn't bring anything, she closed the door, let's see how she can come in again!

The security of the hotel quickly rushed over. After learning about the situation, he quickly checked the surroundings and found nothing wrong, so he came back to appease the guests. The guests were relieved and returned to the room. Xi Zhiwei also turned to go back to the room, but did not know Why was the door of the room closed? She widened her eyes in astonishment, and couldn't help but reach out and pat the door vigorously, Brother Mu Nian, open the door! Brother Mu Nian...

How could the door be closed, she was obviously stuck just now!

Xi Zhiwei frowned, and knocked louder on the door, Brother Mu Nian, did you hear that? Open the door! Brother Mu Nian!!

Su Wanwan hid behind the door, listening to Xi Zhiwei's shout, the corners of her lips curled up, her eyes were full of complacency, I see how you still come in!

Xi Zhiwei yelled for a while, but there was no movement at all inside, probably Pei Munian was really drunk to death, and this room was not booked by her, so even if she wanted to go to the front desk to ask for another room card, it was impossible for them will give her.

Such a good opportunity, how could it be just a step in the door? It was like this last time, and it's like this again now! It's all to blame for the broken siren, who is so unscrupulous to smash the siren! Unwillingly, Xi Zhiwei slammed the door hard and stomped her feet, but there was nothing she could do.

She lingered at the door for a few minutes, but had no choice but to leave.

Su Wanwan listened to the sound of footsteps walking away from the door, the corners of her lips curved up, and her eyebrows and eyes almost turned into crescent moons.

Xi Zhiwei, if you want to fight with me, you are still young!

Su Wanwan raised her chin proudly.

But... there was so much commotion outside just now, Xi Zhiwei was knocking on the door and calling for people, why is there no movement at all from Pei Munian inside? Isn't he in there?

A strange look appeared in Su Wanwan's eyes. After thinking about it, she still had the courage to walk in step by step. As she approached, she saw the big bed in the room and Pei Munian lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Above, muttering something in his mouth.

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