Missing You Deeply

Chapter 133 I want to have a good time with you (10)

Chapter 133 I want to have a good time with you (10)

It was rare for Pei Munian to be willing to see her, so she naturally wanted to show her most beautiful appearance to see him, and it would be the best if he could be moved by her.

After Xi Zhiwei finished applying the powder, she took out the lip gloss and applied a thin layer. This is her new endorsement of a lip gloss, after applying it, it is shiny, and it is said that it has the magic power to make men want to kiss!

While Xi Zhiwei was painting, thoughts were running wild in her mind, imagining the scene of her brother Mu Nian kissing her, her heart trembled uncontrollably, and her body became hot.

After some preparations, Xi Zhiwei looked at herself in the mirror, flawless, she closed the powder box, lifted her foot, and walked towards the office. Unexpectedly, as soon as she reached the door, she was stopped by Assistant Wu.

Every time she came over, Assistant Wu would always stop her with all kinds of obstacles. She had disliked him for a long time, but considering that he was Pei Munian's personal assistant, she could only hold back her anger, but today, it was Brother Munian He personally asked her to come up, yet he dared to stop her?

New and old grudges came up together, Xi Zhiwei's tone was not polite at all, Get out of the way, Brother Mu Nian and I have already made an appointment, he asked me to come up to see him!

Assistant Wu didn't like Xi Zhiwei either. She was just like him in essence, she was the child of the Pei family's servants, but relying on her brother's kindness to the Pei family and Pei Munian, she really regarded herself as a daughter.

However, Assistant Wu is a well-rounded person, and no matter how dissatisfied he is, he will not offend him face to face. He smiled and said politely, I know Mr. Pei asked you to come up, but Mr. Pei is still busy and can't see you for the time being. You, he asked you to wait in the rest room first.

Still busy? What time is it!

Xi Zhiwei took out her mobile phone in dissatisfaction, and glanced at the time, It's almost one o'clock and two o'clock, if you don't go to eat, the restaurant will be closed.

You let me in, I'll go talk to Brother Mu Nian!

Assistant Wu seemed to know that she would say this, his face remained unchanged, he was still smiling, and answered unhurriedly, Mr. Pei said, if you can't wait, you can let me order for you. Which one do you want to eat? Which one will I order for you!


what the hell! She came to have dinner with him, not to eat takeaway!

I'm not hungry, brother Mu Nian agreed to eat with me! Xi Zhiwei gritted her teeth.

Assistant Wu nodded, No, no, Miss Xi, I think you misunderstood Mr. Pei. Pei always promised to eat, but he didn't agree to eat with you. If you are not hungry now, please go ahead. .”

After all, Assistant Wu made a gesture of invitation.

Xi Zhiwei almost gnawed her silver teeth, what does Brother Mu Nian mean by that? Are you trying to play tricks on her?


Because Xi Zhiwei said that she was going to eat with Pei Munian, Su Wanwan thought that Pei Munian would come down soon, but she waited for a long time without seeing anyone.

For a moment, she didn't know whether to be depressed or happy.

What was depressed was that she didn't know when Pei Munian would be able to come down, and what was happy was that perhaps Pei Munian didn't want to have dinner with Xi Zhiwei, it was her own nonsense.

If it was her nonsense, her heart would be more or less at ease.

Maybe Pei Munian's trainee Zhiwei is only because of business, after all, Xi Zhiwei is the spokesperson of the Pei Group.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit self-deceiving, Su Wanwan thought about it, and couldn't help laughing at herself.

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