Missing You Deeply

Chapter 114 Chapter 120-121 Short Sweetness (3)

Chapter 114 Chapter 120-121 Short Sweetness (3)

Su Wanwan closed her eyes reflexively.

Such a well-behaved Su Wanwan... Pei Munian curled her lips.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the box.

Two clear knocks on the door brought Su Wanwan back to her consciousness quickly, her eyes widened suddenly, and only then did she realize that something was wrong.

A waiter's voice came from outside the door, saying that the last dish would be served to them. Su Wanwan straightened her clothes quickly and said, Come in.

The waiter came in with the dishes, put them on the table, said to take it easy, and backed away.

Pei Munian stared at the steamed turbot fish on the table, wanting to stare right through it. He and Su Wanwan finally had a tender and affectionate moment, but this unexpected guest ruined it!

Su Wanwan adjusted her breathing, picked up the chopsticks again, picked up a small piece of fish and put it in Pei Munian's bowl.

Let's eat.

How could he still eat at this time?

At this time, Su Wanwan could still eat as if nothing had happened?

Pei Munian stood up abruptly, I'm full! Let's go back!

He pushed away the chair, walked straight out with his long legs, and after a few steps, he stopped abruptly, turned his head and said to Su Wanwan, I don't eat fish, remember!

Su Wanwan didn't expect him to be angry when he said he was angry, she was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly understood something, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Pei Munian actually... got angry with a fish...

Su Wanwan smiled and smiled, her eyebrows were curved, and the bottom of her eyes was full of sweetness.

Pei Munian still has work to do, Su Wanwan didn't want to waste his time and wanted to take a taxi back by himself, but Pei Munian started the car directly and drove towards the villa.

Su Wanwan lowered the car window, and a slight cool breeze blew in, which made people feel quite refreshed.

Su Wanwan couldn't help raising her eyes to peek at Pei Munian secretly, the neon lights outside the window shone on his face, his facial features became more handsome and profound, Su Wanwan's heart couldn't stop beating.

After she married him, she has always been afraid of being alone in the same space with him. Every time she is alone, she is afraid that she will not do well here again and make him angry, let alone being able to see him from such a close distance.

Compared with three years ago, Pei Munian is more calm, more restrained, and more handsome.

The whole body exudes the charm of a mature man, even if it is just driving a car casually like this, it can touch people's hearts.

At first she fell in love with him at first sight, it was totally reasonable.

The so-called love at first sight, isn't it just love at first sight? She just fell in love with him...

At the red light, Pei Munian stopped the car and cast a sideways glance at Su Wanwan with his black eyes. Seeing that she was thinking about something and her cheeks were bright red, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and touched Su Wanwan's face with the back of his hand.

Sensing the scalding temperature on her face, Pei Munian frowned, Why is it so hot? Do you have a fever again?


Su Wanwan was taken aback by the words Pei Munian, and quickly shook her head, No, I don't have a fever!

No? Then why is your face so red and hot? Pei Munian looked at her suspiciously.

Her blushing...that's because she thought of some past events, but how dare she let him know, Su Wanwan blinked guiltily, her eyes flickering, and replied falteringly: That's...that's because I'm hot, Yes, today is too hot, too hot...

While Su Wanwan was talking, she raised her hands to keep fanning her cheeks, taking advantage of the situation to block Pei Munian's sight that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Pei Munian looked her up and down for a while, Are you all right?

It's okay! Su Wanwan shook her head affirmatively.

Pei Munian seemed to believe her words, and said nothing, the green light turned on, and the car continued to drive forward.

Su Wanwan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When the car arrived at the villa, Su Wanwan unbuckled her seat belt and was about to get out of the car when something flashed through her mind. He said softly, Pei, Pei Munian, don't work too late, pay attention to rest, if you finish your work, go home early, I, I will wait for you at home.

Su Wanwan tried her best to finish speaking in one breath, and then without panting, she suddenly rushed towards Pei Munian and kissed him on the cheek. After the kiss was over, she quickly pushed open the car door, got out of the car, and ran into the house inside.

The whole person's movements were snappy and done in one go, without giving Pei Munian any time to react.

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