Missing You Deeply

Chapter 111 Stay away from my husband (7)

Chapter 111 Stay away from my husband (7)

Although Su Wanwan plucked up the courage to say this, but after she said it, she didn't dare to look at Pei Munian at all, her head was lowered, and she was extremely disturbed.

stay away from my husband...

A few light words came to Pei Munian's ears, as if a heavy mountain was pressing down, Pei Munian's eyes froze, and he looked at Su Wanwan fixedly, as if his breathing was about to stagnate.

Is this really what Su Wanwan said?

Doesn't she care about this marriage? Didn't she think about divorce all the time? Isn't she just for Su's investment? Why would she say such things to Xi Zhiwei?

Pei Munian's whole body was shaken, and uncontrollable excitement surged up. He tried his best to restrain himself, maintained his superficial indifference, and pretended not to care, and said, You really hope so?

Su Wanwan secretly raised her eyes, looked at Pei Munian's expression, trying to find some clues from his handsome face, to see whether he was angry or happy.

If he has feelings for her, he should be happy when she swears sovereignty, right?

It's a pity that she looked and looked, but couldn't see anything, she pursed her lips, her heart became more and more uncertain, but she had no choice but to speak, she hesitated, and nodded very slowly.

Su Wanwan's action was only a few seconds, but to Pei Munian, it seemed as long as a century.

She hoped that Xi Zhiwei would stay away from him, she would start to maintain his marriage with her, and she would start to recognize him as her husband...

Frenzied joy surged up in his heart, so much so that he couldn't hold back his pretended indifference, his brows were stained with tenderness, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said softly, Weiwei is just a younger sister.

Su Wanwan was taken aback by the sudden sentence, and quickly realized that Pei Munian was explaining his relationship with Xi Zhiwei to her, so... is this meant to reassure her?

Well, he wasn't angry about her swearing in sovereignty...

Su Wanwan blinked her big eyes, her heartbeat pounded against her chest, she was one step closer to her guess.

Su Wanwan suppressed her heart that was about to jump out, smiled softly, I see.

Pei Munian was dazed by Su Wanwan's smile, he hurriedly lowered his eyes to hide the obsession in his eyes, and said in an elegant tone, You called me this afternoon, and then you came to the company again, what's the matter?

After being reminded by Pei Munian, Su Wanwan just remembered that she was going to invite Pei Munian to dinner, and took advantage of the situation to test it out.

Now that there are more unexpected gains, then of course, we still have to have a meal together to see if we can test a little more. Even if we can't, it is good to cultivate our relationship.

She was already about to give up. She always thought that Pei Munian hated her because of something, and she kept it in her heart all the time, so that she was deeply trapped in this situation and couldn't break out, so she ignored many other things.

Now Aunt Wu gave her a nod, allowing her to see Pei Munian's hidden care and concern, and after experiencing today's incident, the little flame in her heart has quickly turned into a raging fire.

She thought, Aunt Wu was right, since she and Pei Munian are both married, they still have to live a happy life in the future, she should not be obsessed with the past, and try her best to make Pei Munian not be obsessed with the past, when she was able to catch up with him , now... She still has hope to make him fall in love with her, right?

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