Missing You Deeply

Chapter 105 Stay away from my husband (1)

Chapter 105 Stay away from my husband (1)

After all, her marriage with Pei Munian is different from other people's. After all, Pei Munian has hated her for so many years because of that matter.

Can she really understand what Pei Munian has done as that Pei Munian still has a little affection for her?

She has despaired too many times, and now she doesn't even dare to take the slightest hint of it.

Aunt Wu said so many words in one breath, seeing that Su Wanwan was still looking stupid, she couldn't help becoming anxious, and her voice became a little louder, Young Madam, did you hear me?

After being yelled at by Aunt Wu, Su Wanwan came back to her senses in a daze, Aunt Wu, I, I heard.

Young Madam, don't blame me for talking too much. I also don't want your lover to always be so lukewarm. Since you are married, you should live a good life...

Aunt Wu was still talking about it, but Su Wanwan's thoughts drifted away again.

Why didn't she want to live a good life with Pei Munian? That was her dream all along.

From the first moment she saw him, she wanted to marry him, want to be his wife, want to hold hands with him, and grow old with him!

But he hated her so much, she didn't have this chance at all.

But if...Pei Munian is really like Aunt Wu said, he still cares about her, then, does she still have a chance to win his heart? -

Su Wanwan lay on the bed, thinking and thinking over and over again, the more she thought about it, the more signs of hope grew in her heart, and the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't suppress the throbbing in her heart.

As long as Pei Munian still cares about her, she should expand this half care into liking and love, just like how she liked Pei Munian back then and pursued him relentlessly.

Of course, she no longer dared to be as impulsive as she was back then, doing whatever came to her mind. Before she fought for it, she had to make sure whether Pei Munian really had feelings for her.

Because she didn't want to go through the despair of falling from happiness to hell like she did back then!

If she wanted to know if Pei Munian had feelings for her, she couldn't ask him directly, the only thing she could do was to test him, but... how would she test him?


After Pei Munian left that morning, she didn't go home for two consecutive days. Su Wanwan originally wanted to take advantage of her illness to see Pei Munian's heart, but she couldn't see anyone until she recovered.

But Su Wanwan is not such a person who is easily discouraged. If he doesn't go home, she can always go to him, right?

But, she had to find an excuse first...

Su Wanwan's dark eyeballs rolled around, and suddenly her eyes lit up, there is it!

When she was sick, Pei Munian took care of her all night, so in order to show her gratitude, she should treat him to a meal, right?

Su Wanwan took the mobile phone, and after turning around countless times in the whole room, she finally mustered up the courage, her fingers trembled slightly, and dialed Pei Munian's number.

Su Wanwan held her breath and waited for Pei Munian to answer the phone, but there was a beeping sound in her ear, and no one answered it, and finally hung up automatically.

It would be a lie to say there is no frustration.

Because she wasn't sure whether Pei Munian didn't see the phone, or...he saw her phone, so he didn't answer it.

Su Wanwan hesitated with her fingers, not daring to strike a second time.

If he doesn't pick up again, or if he picks up and rejects her directly, then she won't even have a chance to test her.

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