Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 297 Ge Yin’s costumed stage

After lunch, Tilan and his group were led by students from Jingge Academy to the famous 'Imaginary Sphere' in Jingge Academy. From the appearance, it is a giant sphere buried underground, with the entrance at the center of the sphere. above.

After walking into the ring-shaped rotunda, there is a circular entrance in the middle of the hall. Looking down from the outside, you can see a huge spherical world with a hollow interior. About five thousand immersion cabins are distributed on the inner wall of the lower side of the sphere. On the screen, there are white and blue indicator lights on, and some are orange.

“White means it is vacant, blue means there is someone inside, orange means the people inside are in an unstable state or have been used for too long and need to be taken care of, and red means an emergency, where resident teachers and self-discipline units will come to check and provide assistance. ." The girl wearing a blue uniform with white edges introduced Tilan.

"The student uniforms in our academy have built-in magnetic devices. As long as you jump from this circular hole, you will be stabilized and caught by the magnetic field at the bottom without getting hurt. If you go down, it is best to bring This." She handed over a light belt.

"After you jump down, the belt will generate a glass-like sphere around it and then bring you down slowly. Don't worry, you won't fall to death." As she said this, the girl smiled.

"It seems quite interesting." A boy from Edes Academy who was accompanying him took it and put it on.

He walked to the hole in the dome, jumped down, and then began to fall. After about 1-2 seconds, a blue sphere was generated, wrapping him, and then slowly landed on the middle square at the bottom of the giant sphere.

"Let's go." Several other people took it one after another and jumped down. At this time, only Tilan was left.

"Tilan, don't you need it?" Seeing that she didn't take the belt, the girls from Jingge Academy were curious.

"I have some flying skills, but I don't need this." The girl explained, then came to the entrance of the cave and jumped down.

A bit of air blew up from the bottom. The girl quickly adjusted her posture and leaned forward. Then her body emitted a pale white halo and became as light as a feather. Finally, she tapped the ground with her toes and landed smoothly on the square.

"It's amazing." Several students from Jingge Academy followed. They originally thought that if the singer had an accident, they would collectively use their abilities to save her, but it seemed that they were worried too much.

"Come here, Teacher Cooper will help you apply for temporary cards." Guided the group to the counter at the side of the square, a teacher wearing glasses kindly helped several people apply for the cards quickly.

"Plug this into the card slot on the side of the immersion chamber to activate it."

Afterwards, the group of people walked towards the vacant immersion cabin not far away, while Ed, who was accompanying them, explained the use of this building to Tilan and others.

"Everyone should have heard of the Aijieka Network. Using the Aijieka Network, you can do many things. Whether it is learning, understanding knowledge, communicating with experts from various star fields on the Internet, etc., it is all very beneficial. ."

"However, the Ajieka network is also full of various dangers, and some areas and areas are difficult for the federal government to control."

"This is the AIJEKA immersion system specially built by our school. You can imagine it as an independent and small AIJEKA network, and its fidelity and security are higher than the normally used AIJEKA network. Several times, allowing students to use it as much as they want without worrying about safety issues.”

"After entering the immersion mode, you can use the state of being immersed in the Sea of ​​Ajika to obtain a thinking speed far beyond reality. In other words, if you read and study for three hours here, only one hour may have passed outside."

“You can also use the immersion mode to engage in unscrupulous battles with classmates, trying various moves and combat techniques in the virtual world without worrying about injury. This function can also be used to simulate various opponents stored in the database. "

Is that so? When Tilan heard this, she remembered the students of Crystal Grid Academy who observed and recorded data in the sky during the confrontation between Hat and Dagger and the Thunder Edge Academy club that night.

If they record the information, they can simulate their opponents here and constantly get used to their opponent's offensive habits, combat reactions, etc., so that they can gain an advantage in subsequent battles.

While the girl was recalling these few seconds, another girl waiting on the side had already inserted the card into the immersion chamber and stepped in.

"Ge Yin is in." Ruby looked at the silver-green haired girl who had already begun to lie down and couldn't help but speak.

"She shouldn't have to worry." Tilan comforted Ruby.

Ge Yin is a girl who has lived on the space station since she was a child, and she is particularly enthusiastic and familiar with the Ajieka network. Logically speaking, this kind of star child should apply for Jingge Academy. This thought floated in Tilan's mind.

Later, with the assistance of the staff of Jingge Academy, they also entered the immersion chamber one by one and started it.

The world turned dark, and then a bright light came on.

This feeling is like walking on the land where the moonlight is particularly bright. Tilan gradually becomes familiar with the feeling of being immersed in the sea of ​​Ajika.

When her consciousness gradually stabilized, a door appeared in front of her. When she pushed the door open, there was a void world filled with all kinds of brilliance. There were many doors floating up and down here. Most of them were closed, and some of them were open. Inside Stepping out of the familiar figure of Tilan.

"Here~ Tilan." Hearing Ruby's call, Tilan floated over, and soon the people who entered this illusory space gathered together.

"Now, the flow rate of time here is one-third that outside." Allen opened the small screen in front of his hand, which displayed the time.

"What a convenient space and equipment." Someone looked around curiously.

"Isn't there one in our school?" The question came from a new student in Edes.

"There is, but it's not as big as Lattice Academy, and the speed of time inside is only twice that of the normal world."

"Because there are not many students in our academy who focus on the Sea of ​​Ajeka and AI technology, the school's investment in this area is limited. Unlike the Crystal Grid Academy, almost all the students are of the Spirit Son Sequence."

While they were communicating, Ed also floated over with the students from Crystal Lattice Academy.

"Are you all here? Let's enter the first scene." As he spoke, he clapped his hands, and the door arched by two huge stone pillars appeared in front of him.

Then the closed door slowly opened, revealing the scenery inside.

In this lively arena-style building, students from the famous Jingge Academy are fighting with each other. They are either wielding straight and blazing lightsabers, or controlling huge war machines, or controlling swarms of bees. There are various self-disciplined units with various abilities and skills emerging one after another, and the scenes are also colorful.

"The place where our academy conducts daily training and competitions can simply be called the 'Aerial Arena'."

Now let me lead you to familiarize yourself with and visit it. If you want to try it, you can also join it and experience what it is like to fight in the void world of the Sea of ​​Aijaka.

There are flowing lights and shadows. In this melee scene, a girl with dark blue hair is particularly eye-catching. She is tall and plump, and has tear-shaped gemstone earrings on her ears. When she takes the stage, many viewers will pay attention. Focus on the rising marble square platform.

She waved her hand forward, and a huge machine gun appeared in front of her. The barrel was steel blue and the mechanical texture was extremely clear. There were also gear twists in it, which were extremely smooth and fast. When it rotated to an angle, There was a sound of the buckle stopping, and then the scale text on the barrel stopped at this line.

[Die Ke Luo Equation·Xuan Cang Twenty Six]

Dark blue circuit patterns lit up on the barrel, and then a fierce laser beam was activated, shooting through the mechanical beast standing opposite the high platform, burning out a hole as big as a fist.

"It's boring." She waved her hand, and the large steel blue gun barrel in front of her shrank and closed, then faded and disappeared.

After looking back, she named a few more opponents she thought were worthy, but the students named said they didn't need to go on stage and would just admit defeat.

"It's getting boring. Not even this new generation is good." She waved her hand and prepared to leave, but then she caught a glimpse of Tilan and his group who came in with Ed.

‘Hoho, it seems that the president has found a good guest this time. ’ Of course she recognized that these newcomers were not students of Jingge Academy, but one of them instantly attracted her attention.

"It's you. Do you dare to come down and try to fight me? You don't have to resort to any means."

When she waved, a huge palm also appeared in the air, its index finger moving in unison with hers, pointing at the girl with silver hair among the group of people in Edes Academy.


After the scene was silent for a few seconds, Ge Yin opened his mouth and answered unconsciously, as if he had just realized that the center of the other person's sight was him.

Surprisingly, after realizing that the other party was asking about him, Ge Yinye did not refuse or leave indifferently, but jumped directly and landed gently on the high platform of the duel.

This child's thoughts were really unpredictable. Tilan shook her head and prepared to continue reading.

In her opinion, Geyin is the kind of student who is particularly familiar with Aijieka's network technology, so he may not necessarily suffer. Moreover, this exchange was originally intended to understand the differences between each other's schools, so why should they reject it.

On the high platform below, this special and rare duel involving students from other schools quickly attracted the attention of the students and the audience. When the dark blue-haired girl once again called out the large gun barrel, Ge Yin also showed his Amazing talent.

Like a grand ball in the Middle Ages, dolls made of precision gears walked out from the ripples behind the silver. They were either wearing dark bronze whalebone skirts, or that kind of violin, or holding slender rapiers. , or wearing a mask, and a stage with rotating gears appeared under Ge Yin's feet, constantly turning like clockwork.

"I didn't expect it at all. He turned out to be an extraordinary person with a complete projection space. Such a genius, even in the Ajieka network where wizards frequently appear, is an object of envy and worship." Looking at the high platform where the battle was taking place, Ed said A student named Edes who didn't understand the Ajieka network explained.

"It's a pity that such a child would be better off if he came to our Jingge Academy."

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