After noticing that Romen was in place, Tiamu did not hesitate and started to transfer energy to Romen.

Since he woke up, he could delay the time of his divine appearance a little, but he certainly could not delay it forever.

At present, with Romen in control of the space gem, he could only go all in.

The power transmitted by Tiamu was relatively stable, and it was not difficult to absorb and master it. In addition, Romen himself had the ability to absorb energy, and with Tiamu taking the initiative, the efficiency was still very high.

It didn't take a while for Romen to feel that he was also improving rapidly under this huge energy impact, and in a short while, he felt that he had reached a bottleneck.

Of course, this bottleneck did not bring him more feelings. Under a stronger sense of impact, it was directly broken through in just a moment.

"About one-third of the power?"

When Tiamu stopped infusing energy, Romen could clearly sense that the strength of Tiamu's breath was roughly weakened by one-third, which was not a problem under his mental power perception.

For Tiamu, one-third of the power is not a small amount.

And for Romen, who possessed one-third of Tiamu's power, the sense of power brought to him by this power is also quite strong.

If Romen was not rational enough and had a strong spiritual power, he could control this powerful power.

Tiamu did not urge Romen out loud. He suddenly mastered such a huge amount of energy. For the first time mastering so much energy, it must take a certain amount of time to adapt. Now he gave part of the power to Romen, and it was easier to master the rest of the power, and it was not a problem to delay the appearance of the gods for a longer time.

"Be prepared."

Romen did not let anyone wait for long, and also spoke to Tiamu.


After getting the response, Romen also started to control the space gem directly.

Before, he was only at the level of the Father of Heaven. Relying on the space gem, Romen was able to pry the extremely powerful space power. Now that he has obtained part of Tiamu's power and advanced to an unknown number of levels, mastering the space gem, Romen can exert a stronger space power.

Under Romen's control, a huge space power covered Tiamu's body.

With the cooperation of Tiamu, the operation was not particularly problematic.

In the universe of the Dark Ages, the transfer of restorers can be done without the help of external forces, simply by using one's own power, plus the formation of the Rainbow Bridge.

At present, there is a space gem of the main universe, and with the power and cooperation of Tiamu, there is no difficulty even without using the formation of the Rainbow Bridge.

In just a moment, Romen appeared in the space outside the solar system, with a golden metal giant curled up beside him.

Looking at Tiamu in space, Romen also showed satisfaction.

This time, when Tiamu was transferred out, Romen did not move the relatively thick layer of afterbirth on his body surface, so those Titans in the inner world also had a place to stay. When the environment did not change significantly, the impact on the earth was also minimized.

To be honest, the earth in the Marvel Universe has many peculiarities, so the loss of a huge guy like Tiamu would not be a particularly big problem.

Being in space, feeling that he had lost his restraints and was no longer inside the earth, Tiamu paused for a moment and began to slowly stretch his body.

After a short time, a huge giant stood in space, and a terrifying aura swept around.

Even if he gave one-third of his power, Tiamu's momentum was still extremely powerful.

Seeing Tiamu appear in front of him, Romen directly returned the power that belonged to Tiamu.

After all, this power was not his own, but Tiamu's.

Moreover, after getting Tiamu's power for a while, he did not gain nothing.

Under the powerful power of Tiamu, the size of his own container was also expanded a lot. Then it would be easier to reach that level by himself.

Tiamu looked at Romen and returned the power directly, and there was still some ripples in his heart.

During the gestation period, Tiamu was not completely ignorant of the outside world, and his powerful spiritual power was not a decoration.

It is impossible for Tiamu not to know that humans on Earth are extremely contradictory creatures. After observing Tiamu for who knows how many years, he has no idea about humans.The contradiction is the clearest.

Perhaps it is because of the good and bad qualities, or because of the long time of companionship, Tiamu still has a high favorability towards the human race.

Tiamu knows that most humans are very greedy. However, he did not see this greed in Romen, and his favorability increased a lot in an instant.

To be honest, after giving this part of the power, Tiamu also thought about not taking back this part of the power as a reward.

For Tiamu, although losing so much power is also a big loss for him, he does not mind.

However, Romen took the initiative to return the power, and it felt different all of a sudden.

Looking at Romen for a moment, a golden light flew out from the direction of Tiamu and flew towards Romen.

"Thank you for your contribution, my friend. I have nothing to return now, but if you need help, you can contact me through this."

Hearing Tiamu's words, Romen also took action and grabbed the golden light. The golden light showed its original form in the palm of his hand and turned into a golden prismatic crystal.

After grabbing the crystal, Roman also understood something.

Maybe he lost the power that did not belong to him, but he gained the friendship of a powerful god, which was not a loss.

After all, the power was not his own. If he forced himself to stay, it would affect his own space for advancement in the future.

But Tiamu was a friend who would really come to him when something happened, and the result was not bad.

When Roman looked up, Tiamu's figure had disappeared.

Roman did not say much about this.

Even though he was just born, Tiamu would have a lot of things to do. Apart from other things, there must be things to deal with on the side of the gods.

Seeing that Tiamu had left, Roman also returned directly to the inner world.

He did not forget that superheroes like Tony Stark were still in the inner world to stop those troublesome guys.

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