Back in Wakanda, lush trees are all around Wakanda. Compared with the scorching heat of the earth's core and the coldness of the frozen planet, Romen still likes this kind of nature.

However, no matter how good the environment of Wakanda is, it is definitely not comparable to Krakoa.


When he was staying above the woods and was about to return to his residence, Romen also saw a girl swinging through the woods.

May Parker, the daughter of Spider-Man Peter Parker, May Parker, who was still young at the time, relied on her newly awakened ability to save her family and Peter Parker's family that was almost broken apart.

However, the girl in her early teens is also at the age of being disobedient and running around, mainly because after having the ability of spiders, ordinary people really have no way to control her.

After observing May Parker, I felt like I saw what Lucy would look like when she grew up.

But after thinking about it, Lucy should not look like this when she grows up.

First of all, Lucy does not have this kind of mobility, and Lucy is not a child with this kind of temperament.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't be so arbitrary. What if something unexpected happened and it grew crooked?

After thinking for a while, Romen felt that he might need to end this trip and go back to the main universe.

Calculating the time, it has been nearly a week since he left the main universe, and he hasn't been back to see it.

Thinking of this, Romen temporarily put aside the idea of ​​studying the mind gem, and walked towards the portal opened by the mutated Krakoa flower.

Romen's spatial ability is very strong. If it is a little extreme, he can completely travel through the multiverse.

However, that way is time-consuming and laborious, and the consumption is also large. It is easier to go back through the portal of the Krakoa flower.

Before leaving, Romen also hid the mind gem of this universe in a safe place through some means before entering the portal.

As for why the mind gem was left behind, it was mainly because the mind seal in the restorer's body still needed the mind gem to exist.

If the mind gem was taken away, there might not be any problems in the short term, but without energy supply, it would only take time for the restorer to revive.

Therefore, Romen also left the Mind Stone just in case.


However, as soon as Romen walked out of the portal, he saw a figure rushing over.


After catching the body of the person who came, Romen looked at the girl in front of him with some surprise.


Lucy also answered after hugging Romen.

"Charles, or did Eric bring you here?"

Roman looked around and didn't see Charles or Eric, which was a bit strange.

After Charles and Eric negotiated the content of the transaction with Wakanda, they also returned to Krakoa in advance to prepare for the transaction.

Now that Lucy suddenly appeared, Romen felt that it was probably brought by one of the two.

However, he didn't notice the existence of other people, which surprised him a little.

"I didn't see them."

Hugging Romen's neck, Lucy shook her head and answered.

"Then how did you find me?"

Roman looked at Lucy curiously. They had already crossed the universe. Lucy's luck couldn't possibly guide her to find him.

"My feeling."

Lucy thought about it and answered, and it was the same answer she gave when she found him before.

Roman was somewhat surprised to hear Lucy's words.

He originally thought that Lucy's luck ability, although the upper limit was very high, was limited to the main universe. But now it seems that it may not be limited to the current universe.

Although there is a portal opened by the Krakoa Flower here, the situation of crossing the universe can be said to be quite weak and distant. Lucy was able to find her here, which shows that Lucy's ability may be even stronger than he imagined, and she has a sense of transcending time and space.

To be honest, if Lucy had not appeared in the comics or film and television works of the Marvel Universe, Luomen would feel that Lucy really had a sense of destiny.

After sensing Lucy's state, Luomen was also a little surprised.

Lucy's ability has unknowingly crossed the threshold of level 4 and has reached a very good level.

If we don't count the combat power, Lucy's own X-gene development is also a very good level among level 4 mutants.

In this regard, Romen was somewhat surprised. He only left occasionally, and he was able to develop his ability to this level in order to find himself. This talent is really amazing.

"Where is my brother?"

On Roman's shoulder, Lucy asked curiously.

Unlike the previous times when he left, Lucy felt that Roman's departure this time was even more distant, almost to the point of being inaudible.

For a moment, Lucy thought that Roman didn't want her anymore, and then she kept trying her abilities for a long time before she vaguely sensed something and came to this place.

That is, Skynet knew Lucy and let her in, otherwise Lucy would have suffered a little.

"Brother went to another universe, do you want to go and see?"

Roman looked at Lucy's delicate little face and asked with a smile.

Although he just came back, Roman didn't mind taking Lucy to the dark universe.

Speaking of which, the purpose of this trip was to come back and see Lucy.

Taking Lucy into the universe of the dark age was not unacceptable to Roman.

At present, there is no danger in the universe of the dark age. With a mind gem in hand, Roman can also guarantee Lucy's safety in that universe.


Hearing what Roman said, Lucy's eyes lit up and she quickly agreed.

She didn't want to be separated from her brother. Although her brother would be with her most of the time, he would leave occasionally, which she didn't like.

This time, her brother was willing to take her out, no matter where it was, she felt very happy.

Seeing this, Roman also retracted his steps, turned around and walked into the portal of the Flower of Krakoa again.

After walking out of the portal, the environment was also brand new.

There is already a building outside the portal here, and a group of mutants are stationed. This is naturally the arm of Charles and Eric.

Skynet's machines can't be sent here, so naturally a group of suitable mutants will be arranged. After all, the portal of the Flower of Krakoa can't really be exposed outside all the time.

Seeing Roman enter and then come back immediately, the mutants stationed here are a little strange, but they saluted Roman.


Then, walking out of the place where the portal is placed, Lucy's eyes widened a little.

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