After closing the portal, Romen also fell back to the ground.

He saw a group of superheroes who were happy because he closed the portal, and his face was calm.

For him, it was just a matter of closing a portal, which was not a very difficult thing for him.

However, for these superheroes, closing the portal was indeed a good thing. Apart from anything else, without the continuous emission of electromagnetic pulses, the technology on this planet will one day be able to develop again and have room for improvement. Instead of losing all possibilities under the influence of electromagnetic pulses.

Although the technology of steampunk style is not impossible.

However, this style of technology must still have some limitations.

At this time, Black Panther walked forward, and then looked at Strange's direction and said: "Thank you for your efforts. I wonder if you have any way to help us collect Strange's bones. It is not appropriate to let a hero be exposed here."

There is a guarding magic on Strange's body, so these superheroes want to collect Strange's bones, but they have no way. But they couldn't do it, they thought Romen would definitely be able to do it.

After looking at Strange's corpse, there was no Eye of Agamotto containing the Time Stone. It seemed that Strange had already stored the Eye of Agamotto when he set out.

It was a bit regrettable that he couldn't touch the Time Stone.

But he looked at Black Panther's request and said that there was no problem.

Although there was no way to directly deal with the guarding magic on Strange, it was not a problem to directly move Strange's body to the ground and have it buried directly.

"No problem, let's go back first."

Romen also agreed, and then prepared to take everyone back.

At this time, Captain America suddenly looked at Romen and asked, "Wait, this restorer, without the electromagnetic pulse, won't wake up suddenly."

"It's okay, I've already dealt with it, and there won't be a sudden awakening."

Hearing Romen's response, Captain America also put down his worries.

If the portal is closed, the electromagnetic pulse is lost, the restorer is revived, and then the world is destroyed, it is better to keep the portal open and enter the steampunk era under the influence of the electromagnetic pulse.

After seeing that no one raised any doubts, Romen directly opened a portal and sent everyone back.

Seeing this, all the superheroes followed Romen into the portal one after another after seeing Romen open the portal.

When leaving, Romen did not forget Strange's body. He directly used the portal to bring Strange's body back to the surface and then transferred it later. Although there are some troubles, it is not a big deal.

After returning to the surface, the lush forest makes people feel much better.

Compared with the extremely hot environment in the center of the earth, the environment with dense forests on the surface is more pleasing.

The influence of electromagnetic pulses is actually not without good places.

Because of the great technological regression, there are no factories, cars and other things that pollute the environment. The environment on the entire planet has actually become much better, with many more trees and forests.

After returning to the surface, a group of superheroes immediately began to disperse.

Mainly Tony Stark and Reed Richards, former genius scientists, ran back one by one, preparing to tinker with a Faraday cage and create a suitable environment to study electrical technology.

Although they all knew that the portal had just disappeared, it would not be possible to make a Faraday cage in a short time, but they still couldn't help it.

After a look, Tony Stark's steam iron suit, through steam and flame spray, also directly picked up Pepper and flew away.

Roman felt a little strange, the steam iron suit was somewhat special.

However, it must be said that a genius like Tony Stark, even in such an environment, can still research the ability of the iron steam suit, which is indeed admirable.

"Mr. Romen, would you mind talking to us about your plan?"

Black Panther and Captain America saw the guys running away one by one, and then asked Romen.

They still felt uneasy about the restorer.

"Are you still worried that it will wake up?"

Seeing that the leaders of the two superheroes still had some worry on their faces, Romen also asked.

"That's right."

Black Panther and Captain America both nodded in agreement. TheirThe power is too weak compared to the restorer.

Among the superheroes at that time, only Susan was selected from the most outstanding group. In this era, if something really goes wrong, Romen will return to his own universe at that time. How can he and others deal with it?

They no longer have another Doctor Strange who can open the portal again and use electromagnetic pulses to put the restorer into sleep.

"I sealed it with the Mind Stone, so you don't have to worry."

Seeing the two people who were a little worried, Romen also took out the Mind Stone.

Seeing the yellow gem floating on Romen's palm, Black Panther and Captain America also suddenly understood how Romen would deal with it.

They naturally knew the power of the Infinity Stones. If the power of the Infinity Stones was used, it would not be impossible to seal the restorer.

"Moreover, in the future, I will also move the location of the restorer without affecting the safety of the earth, and the earth will not be at risk of destruction."

Romen looked at the two people and put away the Mind Stone and said.

Because sealing the restorer is related to the Mind Stone, he will not take the restorer away for the time being.

However, for the safety of the world, he will definitely transfer the restorer to other places to ensure the safety of the earth as much as possible.

After hearing Romen's last words, they also relaxed a little.

If it is just a seal, no matter what, it is still on the earth, and they will definitely be a little worried in the end.

But Romen said that the transfer of the restorer will not affect the safety of the earth, which made them put down some worries.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Mr. Romen. If Mr. Romen has any needs, you can also tell me."

Black Panther nodded and looked at Romen seriously.

In response, Romen also chuckled and didn't say much.

Regarding these things, Romen is ready to give full authority to Professor X and Magneto to do it. He doesn't need to trouble himself at all. He just needs to continue to study the restorer.

Learning to delegate power and use people is the wisdom left by the sages, not to mention that there are two outstanding talents around him. It is still a bit abnormal to do it himself.

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