"Such a powerful spiritual power, who is it?"

In Wakanda, a bald old man also felt a sudden strong spiritual power. Although this power was very obscure, as the strongest telepath on this planet, he could still sense it, and then he also felt a little strange.

After losing power technology, the earth entered the so-called dark age.

In this era, the order between different parts of the world was supported by those superheroes.

And the communication between different regions was carried out by telepaths one by one. Like Professor X, he naturally joined in.

Of course, telepaths are not limited to mutants, or in other words, most of the mutants of this era are no longer in the hardship of the technological era, and even rely on their own powerful abilities to have a good status.

Then, even among so many telepaths on the earth, Professor X always occupies the strongest position.

And as the most powerful telepath, Professor X can naturally feel that the power of this spiritual power is much stronger than he is now. Maybe at his peak, with the help of the brainwave enhancer, he might be able to match it, but now that he has lost the brainwave enhancer, he is definitely far behind.

If someone's mental power is stronger than his, Professor X would not feel anything, but the only problem is that he feels quite unfamiliar with this mental power.

In theory, Professor X has a certain understanding of the telepaths of this era, even those super villains.

While Professor X was a little uncertain, he also tried to communicate with him.


While Professor X was trying to communicate, Romen naturally felt Professor X's mental power.

If mental power is like stardust, then Romen, who does not use the mind gem for amplification, is like the sun, and Professor X's mental power is like the moon, and other telepaths are roughly the stars, and the difference is visible to the naked eye.

In addition, he feels a little familiar with the mental power of this Professor X.

Even if it is Professor X from different universes, there are certain differences in mental power, but there are also great similarities.

Come to think of it, the power of the mind will change with the changes in life circumstances. However, people who start from the same starting point will have similarities in their power of mind, but will also change more uniquely because of different opportunities.

This is the first time that Luo Men has come into contact with this situation, so he was not surprised to accept the communication with Professor X.

"Hello, unknown strong man."

The voice of Professor X is also inclined to be a generous old man, giving people a relatively positive feeling. If a normal-minded person comes into contact with him, he would be willing to contact him.

"Hello, Professor X."

Hearing Luo Men's words, Professor X was also stunned for a moment. He did not expect that this unknown strong man actually knew of his existence.

In this era, there is no such convenient thing as the Internet. Although his status is very high, he may not have many names.

While Professor X was still thinking, he suddenly found that three more people appeared in front of him at some point. In this situation, even Professor X was a little shocked.

"Eric, and me?"

But after taking a closer look at the three people in front of him, he was also stunned.

Although he didn't know the young man standing in the front, he knew that the spiritual power came from the young man in front of him through the spiritual power he had communicated with before and the vigorous feeling.

What surprised him was the two people standing on the side and back of the young man.

The middle-aged version of Magneto, the good friend, and another Professor X. The most important thing is that this Professor X, although bald, can walk.

Even Professor X, who has lived for a long time and is considered to be knowledgeable, was a little shocked.

Charles looked at the time of the opposite side, this time and space, and then looked at Romen, who nodded.

"I think we can talk."

Looking at Charles standing up, the Professor X on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and also nodded. The two of them activated their telepathic abilities at the same time.

The telepathic abilities of the two were very strong. Just the moment when the spiritual power came into contact with each other, the two completed the memory exchange.

Because they were both Professor X, the same person in different time and space, the communication between the two was quite smooth.

Romen observed the situation of the two at a higher spiritual level.

"I see."

OppositeProfessor X was somewhat stunned after exchanging some memories with Charles.

He did not expect that in another time and space, the mutant race would fall to that point, and could even be called extremely destroyed.

In the past of this world, although mutants were also a persecuted group, they were definitely not in a situation of almost extinction. After the advent of the Dark Ages, many mutants became popular.

However, the mutants in that world were miserable, but fortunately, a powerful mutant appeared, an Omega mutant who was originally only in theory, that is, the young man in front of him.

To be honest, he was still very excited to see the appearance of an Omega mutant. This also proved one point, that is, his theory was not wrong, and mutants were indeed a bit Omega, that is, the level of level 5 mutants.

Through another self, Professor X also roughly understood that the other party came to his universe purely because of an accident.

But such an accident does not seem to be a bad thing.

If, as he expected, the power possessed by the Omega mutants might be able to end this dark age.

"We came to this world purely by accident, but we hope to understand this world better, and perhaps we can help you."

Hearing Romen's words, Professor X also nodded, indicating his understanding.

It is indeed magical that the magical crop of Krakoa Flower can actually connect to other universes.

And in another memory of his own, the country belonging to mutants, Krakoa, he also wanted to witness that magical land with his own eyes.

Thinking about it, Professor X also nodded and said: "Okay, I have notified others, and we can sit down and talk. You can sit on the sofa over there and wait for a while."

Hearing Professor X's words, the three also nodded, and sat aside directly, chatting with Professor X in front of them while waiting.

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