"Runes are interesting."

On the beach under the sun, the white-haired man who was wearing only a pair of beach pants and whose body was white made women jealous, but whose body was perfect and whose muscles were sharp, also showed some interest.

Seeing the smile on the white-haired man's face, the woman who happened to be passing by could not walk for a moment.

As the leader of the Trinity Sect, he has lived in this world for decades, but because of his increasingly profound attainments in the Threefold Reverse Life, his appearance has not changed much, and he is closer to the state of ordinary people.

In the past, Luo Men was a little abnormally white. The only side effect of the improved Threefold Reverse Life is that his whiteness is a little different from that of normal people, and it feels whiter than that of albinos.

Although people of this era are all pursuing the so-called whiteness, they are only pursuing it within the normal range.

But with the improvement of the Threefold Reverse Life over the years, Luo Men's state has become more and more simple and simple, and now he is just a whiter young man.

The previous state did not affect Luo Men much, but it was too conspicuous in the crowd, which was not conducive to his experience of life.

For example, when enjoying the sunshine on the beach now, the previous state should not be too conspicuous.

Although Luo Men did not give up the process of cultivation in order to ascend to immortality, he gradually understood why there was no real ascended immortal in modern times.

The reason is very simple. Since the 1940s, in the 21st century, Luo Men, as the ceiling of this world, can be said to have clearly felt that the environment of the world has changed a lot with the passage of time.

The rules of heaven and earth have become worse, the ceiling of the world has become lower, and the restrictions on aliens have become greater and greater.

This feeling may not have much impact on ordinary aliens, but for an alien of his ceiling level, the impact is more obvious, and the restrictions are more severe. If you want to improve further, it is like an ordinary person climbing a mountain with a load. Every process of improvement is extremely difficult.

Sixty or seventy years have passed. Has Luo Men changed much from himself sixty or seventy years ago?

In terms of pure hard power, it has only improved a little, and the improvement may not be very large. This speed may be too slow for normal practitioners.

Every bit of Luo Men's improvement now is under the pressure of the world's ceiling and the infinite pressure. In other words, Luo Men's improvement now is not only the improvement of his own cultivation, but also against the rules of the world.

At this point, Luo Men has a certain understanding of why the former Wudang ancestor, Zhang Sanfeng, was called a genius and ascended to immortality after more than 200 years.

In the distant past, there were many practitioners in this world who became immortals in their thirties, fifties, or even in their teens and twenties. However, as time goes by, the age of those who can ascend to immortality is getting older and older, and there are even people like Zhang Sanfeng who almost reached the limit of their lifespan and barely ascended.

This is the impact after the changes in the whole world.

And now, the situation Luo Men encountered is similar to what Zhang Sanfeng encountered, and it may even be worse.

Hundreds of years have passed since the Ming Dynasty when Zhang Sanfeng lived, but in just a few decades, the world has changed a lot. In hundreds of years, the changes can only be more.

Therefore, the pressure encountered by Luo Men will be even stronger than that of Zhang Sanfeng.

However, Luo Men is not particularly worried. He has improved the three levels of reverse life. To a certain extent, he can live as long as he wants. He does not have to worry about the problem of life span. He just needs to concentrate on improving his strength.

Moreover, Luo Men feels that it is also a process of tempering himself to rise against the ceiling of the world. The Qi in his body is also more condensed and pure in this process.

In addition, he has his own confidence, so he can be so calm.

For example, this time, the information about Rune from the mutant Luo Men was very interesting to Luo Men.

Although this is something from the Marvel world, and it is a magic system completely different from the Qi Refiner system, Luo Men feels very interesting.

Although it was only the first time to come into contact with Rune, Luo Men could feel a lot of useful things.

Having lived in this world for so long, Luo Men has come into contact with many cultivation methods, not only domestic cultivation methods, but also foreign cultivation methods. He has come into contact with magic, witchcraft, fighting spirit and the like.

As for whether the owners of those inheritances willLuo Men is not really worried about resistance.

The story of Luo Men's ability to withstand a nuclear bomb was spread through the current ten bosses or other participants. In addition to those people, there are even some secret videos that have been spread.

In this world, as long as you have a certain amount of power, you basically know Luo Men, a ruthless man who can withstand a nuclear explosion.

The most important thing is that after seventy or eighty years, Luo Men still maintains the attitude of a young man, and the title of exiled immortal is becoming more and more mysterious. Even the big forces abroad dare not be too tough because of Luo Men's existence.

Therefore, it is not difficult to contact the system of Rune Runes and study things across systems.


After a little research, Luo Men felt that this Rune Rune was really interesting.

Compared with what he mastered, the field touched by the Rune Rune is even more in-depth, and should be something closer to the level of the rules of heaven and earth. If he studies it carefully, he might be able to find a more efficient way to fight against the rules of the world of one person, and then improve more efficiently.

To be honest, he really wants to see what the fairyland of this world is like, and how those immortals exist.

Then, he feels that the content of the Rune is a bit like the various runes recorded in the Tongtian Talisman, but the unclear meaning on it may be much more profound.

It's not that the Taoist rune is not as good as the Rune, but the creator of this Taoist rune is not as good as Odin.

"But the Tongtian Talisman plus the Rune is a very interesting combination."

Thinking about the possibility of the combination of the Tongtian Talisman and the Rune, Luo Men feels very interesting.

Of course, after knowing the situation of the mutant Luo Men, Luo Men is also ready to study the specific meaning of the Rune first, and solve the problem of the mutant Luo Men first, and the rest can be left for later study.

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