"After the death of the Ancient One, has such a strong man been born in Midgard? Or two?"

Standing somewhere in Norway, looking like a homeless beggar, the one-eyed old king looked at the direction of the space, and a little solemnity flashed in the only remaining eye.

The king of the Nine Realms is now old and not far away from the last moment of his life.

However, the young heir, regardless of where he is, can't meet his requirements at all in terms of growth progress.

Since Odin's queen Frigga died at the hands of the cursed warriors of the dark elves three years ago, Odin's mental state has been getting worse and worse. In addition, because the overly powerful power of Odin in his body is still growing, he is under more and more oppression, and occasionally even has amnesia.

It is for this reason that he didn't care about Loki pretending to be him and Thor suddenly went to find Surturt.

He knew that as his death approached, Ragnarok was getting closer and closer, and there was no way to stop it. At least now, neither he nor his two sons can stop it.

Even if his own stupid son has defeated Surtur and taken away its crown.

Under the correction of fate, Ragnarok will eventually come.

The new Supreme Sorcerer has good potential, but in a short period of time, it is obvious that he cannot reach the level of the Ancient One Sorcerer, and he does not have much friendship with him. A big thing like Ragnarok cannot be asked of him.

Odin feels that he can try to contact these two newly emerged strong men.

A strong man at the level of the Father of Heaven, even if he is not as good as him at his peak, is more or less a powerful force.

As for his stupid son, he has not even reached the realm of the Sub-Father of Heaven, and his own talent is the same. His strength is all above that hammer. He is called the God of Thunder, but he feels more like the God of Hammer.

Maybe he is not an excellent father, and he is not so good at education.

His three children, whether it is a pair of biological children or the adopted son, have all been raised wrong by him.

Perhaps, in this special period, I should make some changes.

"We may need to have a good chat."

Standing in place, Odin communicated with a special dark space in the dark and transmitted the voice.

In the dark space, a dark-haired woman with disheveled hair was somewhat surprised to hear the sudden voice.

She has been sealed here for an unknown number of years, at least thousands of years.

Thinking of this, the old man's life span seems to be coming to an end.

"Huh, what's there to talk about?"

In the dark space, the disheveled woman rejected this possibility without any hesitation.

At the beginning, this old man did not think of a peaceful solution after he sealed her directly without any affection.

As long as she waits for some time, after the old man dies, she will naturally be able to get out of trouble.

At that time, with her strength, will there be any problem in becoming the queen of Asgard?

In the whole Asgard, the only one who can be stronger than her is Odin. Apart from Odin, others, even his mother, Frigga, are far inferior to her, especially after she landed on Asgard and got the power of Asgard, she will be even stronger.

After saying that, she blocked Odin and waited quietly for the time to go out. After being imprisoned for thousands of years, she has patience now, and she doesn't miss a little time to wait.

As long as she gets out, although the old guy Odin is dead, she will let those guys who betrayed her enjoy her anger, how fierce it is after accumulating for thousands of years.

Although she was imprisoned in such a ghost place, it does not mean that she has completely lost her power. On the contrary, as time goes by, her power has increased slightly, but it is not as fast as in Asgard.

The main reason why Odin can imprison her here is that Odin himself spent most of his energy to control it, otherwise a simple sealed space would not be easy for her to solve.

The seal of this space is very strong, but the only flaw is Odin's own life span. The young Hela's life span is much longer than Odin's.

Now in this space, although she can't run away, it's not too easy for her to directly block Odin's voice.

Odin's cruelty at the beginning had already cut off the last affection between him and her. The only regret is that she can't see the scene of Odin's death.

Hearing Hela's refusal, and then directlyOdin did not show any surprise on his face when he immediately sealed the sealed space.

His behavior just now was just a sudden thought.

Under the increasingly severe situation, he also thought about bringing Hela out again and making Hela the future king of Asgard.

Hela's strength and skills are enough for her to sit firmly on the position of the king of Alaska. At least, compared with Thor, who has not made much progress, Hela, who basically replicates his character when he was young, is more qualified.

"It is difficult to collect spilled water and it is difficult to mend a broken mirror."

After sitting there for a long time, Odin couldn't help but say an idiom from an ancient country in the east.

As a strong man with a reputation for wisdom, it is not surprising that Odin has learned more and knows more knowledge.

Perhaps, everything was wrong from the beginning when he made that choice.

At the beginning, he should have been more patient and tried his best to change Hela instead of sealing her up so rudely.

At present, it seems that this thorny trouble may be left to his two stupid sons to deal with.

However, given the current situation of these two stupid sons, he can only say that he does not believe that they can deal with the threat of Hela.

Although he had the idea of ​​not caring about the flood after his death.

But after thinking carefully, this matter is more or less a legacy problem left by him, and it is not a good idea to leave it all to the two stupid sons.


After sighing, Odin also looked in one direction, and he also had some ideas in his mind.

"Hello, young mutant king, I think we can talk."

After a busy day, when he finally had some time to rest, a voice suddenly appeared beside him, and then Romen also saw a one-eyed dragon-shaped, slightly fat old man with white hair next to him.

Seeing this guy, Romen was also somewhat strange. Why did the other party come to his door?

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