"So blurry?"

Looking at the broadcast, Tony Stark felt his mouth twitch.

The camera installed on the satellite of Stark Group is a high-definition and high-speed camera of black technology level.

But watching the fight between the two people, it was purely a piece of light and shadow interlaced. Even through the adjustment of multiples, only a very blurry afterimage could be seen.

For a moment, even Tony Stark couldn't help but doubt that Thor, the fool, should also be a strong man of this level, but why the speed was so different.

For Captain Marvel, after a year of continuous understanding, Tony Stark felt that he had almost understood it, and the anti-Marvel armor he made was almost perfect.

But after she burst out with all her strength, it was still a little beyond his imagination. It seemed that he needed a lot of improvements for the anti-Marvel armor, but the improvement space might be a bit large.

In the silent space, no sound was spread, but the terrifying energy shock also swept around, and everything along the way was directly annihilated under the terrifying energy shock.

"This old woman's strength is terrifying."

After exchanging punches with Aunt Marvel, Romen felt the dull pain in his fist and couldn't help but mutter another sentence, that is, there is no air in space and sound cannot be transmitted, otherwise Aunt Marvel's hearing, no matter how slight, can also hear it.

Because of his ability to absorb energy, Romen not only uses telekinesis, but also fights with Aunt Marvel in close combat.

I have to say that if Romen didn't have a strong self-healing ability, it might be difficult to fight Aunt Marvel with just the ability of energy absorption.

Aunt Marvel may be because of her strength, which comes from the space gem. At the same time, her energy is endless.

The ability of energy absorption seems to be unsolvable and powerful, but in fact it is also its own defect.

This ability is not much different from the former Black Emperor Xiao, and the defects are similar.

There are two, one is that the upper limit of absorption is limited, and exceeding this upper limit will have a huge impact on the body.

The other is that it needs self-control. If you lose consciousness, you will lose control of your abilities and will not be able to absorb energy.

Just like the Black Emperor Xiao who can absorb any energy, but in the end his helmet was taken off by Magneto, and then Professor X controlled him telepathically, and finally died from a coin controlled by Magneto. Don't die too sloppily.

However, Romen doesn't have to worry about attacks of mind control. Romen himself is a powerful telepath, and not only that, Romen also has the Mind Stone. With the amplification of the Mind Stone, his mental strength may be the strongest in the universe, of course, it is only limited to the current universe.

In addition to using energy absorption, Romen will continue to release energy to ensure the balance of energy in the body, so as not to be directly blown up by the terrifying energy.

Anyway, under the impact of terrifying energy, rounds of brilliant fireworks bloomed in space, and even the images taken by satellites have a unique beauty.

Moreover, in addition to energy absorption, Romen also has telekinesis. Facing the continuous attacks of Aunt Marvel, he has a subtle advantage.

"How did this kid become so strong?"

Looking at Romen who was punching him and releasing terrifying energy, he always had a strange feeling.

Most of the energy he attacked disappeared silently, and a small part had no effect on Romen.

The strangest thing is that under his attack, the aura of the boy in front of him became stronger and stronger, as if he was feeding him moves.

"How is it possible?"

Under the silver-white light, Aunt Marvel, who launched continuous attacks, looked a little bit uncomfortable.

However, Romen felt very happy. This hard-hitting style of fighting made him feel that the potential accumulated all over his body was constantly condensed under this high pressure. The whole person seemed to be constantly sublimating and entering a higher dimension.


Seeing the amazing aunt who seemed to have turned into a Saiyan, Romen was caught off guard and was punched in the chest, and then Romen's chest collapsed slightly.

Obviously, this was because the energy absorption exceeded the upper limit and was directly attacked to Romen's body.

"Did you use the binary mode too?"

Looking at the amazing aunt whose momentum was getting more and more turbulent and rising, he couldn't help but take a breath, and then he reacted., this is in space, he can't breathe. Being able to move in space is purely relying on the energy in the body to maintain internal circulation.

After feeling the injury on his chest, after correcting the bones through telekinesis, and recovering quickly through self-healing ability, Romen also breathed a sigh of relief.

He has multiple layers of defense. In addition to energy absorption, he is also wrapped in a layer of telekinetic protection. In addition, the strength of Romen's own body is also superhuman.

But even so, his defense was directly destroyed. This kind of power is simply unreasonable. If it weren't for the super strong self-healing ability, this kind of injury would be somewhat tricky.

Just now, the bones in the chest were broken, and some of them had even pierced into the lungs. For normal people, it is a very serious injury, but for Romen, it is still within the acceptable range.

According to Romen's feelings, the strength and speed of the amazing aunt who entered the binary star mode have been further improved, so there is no need to elaborate too much. The most difficult thing is that after the binary star mode is turned on, the further expansion of energy release just exceeds the scope that Romen can absorb.

"Come again!"

However, Romen looked at Aunt Marvel, his eyes became brighter, and then he continued to rush towards Aunt Marvel.

A pair of fists, chest, arms and other areas were also severely damaged during the battle.

But Romen could also feel that as his body was constantly damaged and repaired, the bottleneck that was stuck on him was also constantly loosening.

It was for this reason that Romen's fighting enthusiasm was constantly rising.

To be honest, after crossing into this world, Romen can be said to have been suppressing himself. In order not to expose himself to the vision of Ancient One, it can be said that he was walking on thin ice.

But now that Ancient One has retired, there are no longer those restrictions, so in this high-intensity battle, Romen's bottleneck is also constantly loosening.

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