"Are you ready?"

Sitting on the huge metal throne, Romen looked at the drone flying in front of him and the drone's slack camera, and spoke calmly.

"Yes, sir."

And it was Skynet that responded to Romen.

This picture was also spread all over the world, on every screen controlled by Skynet.

Who is this young man?

This thought arose in the minds of many people.

"My name is Roman, and I'm a mutant."

"Maybe many people wonder if mutants have been wiped out long ago, but most people living in information cocoons don't think about the current situation of mutants."

Pictures flashed across the live broadcast, and some saintly people couldn't stand it and said, "How many things did those guys hide?"

"We have always been here, struggling all the time."

"The situation of mutants has never been good. Whether it is the X-Men led by Professor X or the Brotherhood led by Magneto, they can't completely improve the situation of mutants."

"I was born after the mutant extinction plan, but I was born in a laboratory. You may see me in the experimental video you see."

Looking at the camera in front of him, Roman laughed self-deprecatingly.

Humans are visual creatures, but a handsome boy of seventeen or eighteen years old has such a picture of the past. The huge contrast naturally resonated with many people.

"But I'm lucky. In an experiment, I got a stronger power. Since I escaped from the laboratory, I have been looking for the direction of the future."

Some people who received the invitation letter to establish the Kingdom of Krakoa also roughly understood that the direction that Romen found was to establish an independent country completely belonging to mutants.

"Finally, I think I have such power and have experienced such a past. After having the ability, I am also ready to change the situation of mutants."

Under the influence of invisible forces, the heavy throne slowly began to rise under the influence of invisible forces. The drone camera also slowly pulled back to see the whole process more clearly.

"Telekinesis, or gravity?"

Tony Stark looked at the boy in the video, and narrowed his eyes as he led the entire process of the throne rising.

With his eyesight, he could naturally tell that the throne rose without any external force or any special effects. It was the effect of pure extraordinary power, which should be the effect of telekinesis.

Telekinesis is not a rare ability, and there are many superheroes with this superpower. However, as far as Tony Stark knows, there is no one who can use it as easily as Romen.

"So, I plan to establish the Kingdom of Krakoa. All mutants, no matter what their situation or where they are, can choose to join Krakoa. Three days later, the Kingdom of Krakoa will be established. I hope that all those who receive the invitation letter can come here to witness the establishment of the Kingdom of Krakoa."

"Let's stop here."

Watching the boy in the picture finish his words, Tony Stark's pupils suddenly shrank in the next moment, and his face was full of disbelief.

In the picture, the throne under Romen was shattered into dust bit by bit, and the boy stood up and slowly left with his back to the camera.

It was as if neither the metal throne nor the boy had ever existed.

Later, the picture returned to normal, but everyone who had watched this video was naturally shocked.

When Roman began his live broadcast, Tony Stark was still analyzing what specific methods Roman used, and was preparing to take precautions in the future. If you don't plan ahead, you will fail. If you meet him one day, you will not be completely without a way to deal with him.

But when Tony Stark saw how Roman smashed the throne, he understood that the strength of his opponent's own abilities and the degree of development of his abilities had reached a terrifying level.

If it was telekinesis, then the development of telekinesis had at least reached the molecular level, directly decomposing the substance from the most basic composition of the substance, and even directly decomposing it at the atomic level, which was not impossible.

The diameter of an atom is about 0.1 nanometers, and the diameter of a molecule is about 10 nanometers.

If the opponent has mastered the decomposition at the molecular level, then Tony Stark will have to devote all his efforts to developing the nano suit. Only a smaller level can resist this force. Tony Stark has been working hard on the nano suit and has achieved certain results.

But if it is a deeper atomic level, then even if he developsEven with the nano suit, he couldn't deal with Romen. Such an opponent was too difficult.

"Friday, notify me when the time comes."

After a moment of silence, Tony Stark also instructed Friday.

"Yes, BOSS."

This time, he was invited to see how strong the boy named Romen was, or maybe his ability was not as terrible as he thought. He had to verify everything himself.

Sitting in front of the experimental table, Tony Stark felt that his thoughts were quite confused. He wanted to continue the previous experiment, but he couldn't do it at all.

"It's that boy."

On the other side, Carol also saw the Captain Marvel live broadcast of Romen. Naturally, he could also distinguish that the boy in the live broadcast was the powerful boy who had fought with him in the sky before and gave him the information about the Skrulls.

After returning to Earth, in addition to dealing with the Skrulls, Carol was also looking for information about Romen, but there was no news, as if such a person did not exist in the world.

But now it seems that this boy is a mutant, the kind born in a laboratory, without a proper identity, which is one of the reasons why he can't find any trace of Romen.

Suddenly, Carol didn't know what to say.

But after thinking about it, she could only sigh and continue to deal with the Skrulls.

She didn't think that when she was still on Earth, the mutants had a relatively peaceful relationship with humans, but she didn't expect that in just about 20 years, they would fall to such a point.

The most unexpected thing should be that there is suddenly a strong man like Romen who can fight with her.

You know, in the entire universe, Carol, the Captain Marvel, is also a strong man in the T1 ranks. Although the universe is very large, there are not many truly powerful individuals. This can be seen from the fact that individuals like Gamora, who have no extraordinary abilities, are called "the most dangerous woman in the universe."

It is indeed strange that the inconspicuous Earth in the universe can give birth to so many strong people.

Carol looked at the invitation letter she received and planned to take a look at it when the time comes, and then continue the operation to deal with the Skrulls.

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