"How was my performance?"

Walking to the side, Luo Men looked at the purple-haired beauty beside him and asked with a smile.

"Very shocking, very impressive."

Zhi Li looked at the young man beside him, whose originally majestic aura suddenly softened a lot, like a big boy next door, and smiled and spoke.

"Brother Luo Men, when you just said who is in favor and who is against, they were all like quails, so domineering."

Yuichiro, who was following beside him, couldn't help but speak, his eyes full of admiration.

Ever since the Uchiha left, the Uchiha family has actually been on a downward slope.

Before, when they were patrolling outside and encountered various disputes, whether it was civilians or those family members, their attitudes were not good, or they had some thoughts of avoiding them.

At this time, although the Uchiha family has not yet reached the level of being despised and hated by everyone in the future, it has already begun to show some signs. The future situation is actually accumulated little by little during this period. The source of the incident mainly started when Uchiha Madara left and killed Hashirama Senju.

Although the Uchiha family did not intervene, the Uchiha surname destined the Uchiha family to be unable to get rid of the influence of this incident.

Of course, everyone did not vent their anger on the Uchiha family, but the source of dislike started from here.

As for the pride of the Uchiha family, needless to say, if you don't like me, I will naturally not be passionate about you but stick to the cold buttocks, and the contradictions are also accumulated slowly in this way.

Although the members of the Konoha Guard of Uchiha basically do things according to the rules, the pride of Uchiha makes them disdain to make any roundabout changes.

For example, the placement of stalls is definitely not allowed because of the rules, but the small vendors are also different. Some people can't afford to rent a shop, so this is the only way to survive.

If a more flexible person, he may be more flexible in dealing with such things, but the members of the Uchiha Guard are one-size-fits-all.

Urban management is an unpleasant job. Uchiha ninjas will not do those disgusting things, but even the most upright urban management will definitely not be liked by people.

And the job of urban management is only part of the work of the security team members. In addition to urban management, there are many unpleasant jobs that are assigned to the security team members.

Most Uchiha ninjas are actually more suitable for fighting. How can they really do a good job if they are asked to deal with so many trivial matters?

And this may be the plan of the second generation of Senju Tobirama.

However, everything began to change after Luomen took over the security team.

The first change was to distinguish the functions of the security team, such as civil, criminal, etc., and then assign the right candidates to the right positions.

For example, the Uchiha ninjas with more arrogant personalities were assigned to the criminal group and other combat-related positions.

Then, civil affairs, which require people with more smooth personalities to do well, can be selected from members found outside.

Anyway, the original security team, which originally integrated all the things together, should be divided into multiple departments and teams with clear responsibilities.

Of course, it is to determine a suitable law and establish a systematic system for the security team.

I have to say that this world is quite deformed.

This world has no written history, and there are no particularly perfect laws. Everything is completely based on the powerful force called ninja.

Take the most outrageous thing, that is, the future Sarutobi Hiruzen, who can successfully brainwash countless ninjas with just a will of fire, and let these people live and die for him. It is simply outrageous.

What is the content of the will of fire? Where Konoha flies, the fire will also continue. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout.

Just this sentence, repeated over and over again, so many people believe it.

The specific meaning of this sentence is roughly that young people are the hope of the future, and the older generation should trust and protect them. The sacrifice of the older generation is not meaningless, but will inspire the young to become the pillars of the future.

Let’s not talk about whether the content is problematic or not. The old guys like Sarutobi Hiruzen in the future do not fit this sentence at all. It is outrageous that they can fool so many people with this.

Simply put, there are too many illiterate people and too many brainless people in this world, and there are unreasonable places everywhere.

At present, Konoha has no detailed laws, criminal laws, civil laws, etc., just some incoherent rules.

Although it is because Konoha was established relatively short, and the second generationBecause he died early and everything had not yet become a complete system, Sarutobi Hiruzen's inaction was also a big problem.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had strength and some abilities, but he was just better than the others and could play some not-so-brilliant political schemes. But if he wanted to innovate and improve the system and set specific rules for Konoha, it would be a bit difficult for him.

In other words, the system left by the second generation was still acceptable, because the ninja village was the first to be established, so everyone was crossing the river by feeling the stones, and the systems created by the second generation were relatively advanced.

However, the system of the second generation has not changed much until the future, which is somewhat outrageous. Everything must be adapted to the times. It is still unbearable for Luomen to have a set of things that have not changed for decades and even become more and more corrupt.

Luomen is not a Hokage at the moment, so he can't change anything about Konoha, but he can start with the guard team.

First of all, the guard must have its own legal system, including the constitution, criminal law, civil law, etc. Everything must be written in a clear and orderly manner, so that the guard will have a clear standard for its actions. Things should be determined first, and they can be changed slowly later.

In the past, some people have been pestering the guard because they acted in a domineering manner and did not come up with any clear rules.

From now on, this situation will not occur, and there are clear legal provisions to refer to.

After the internal changes, Yuichiro can clearly feel that the entire guard is radiating a thriving vitality, and he likes this change very much.

And this change was brought by Luomen, so Yuichiro, who originally admired Luomen, naturally admired Luomen even more.

In fact, it is not just Yuichiro, everyone around him is an Uchiha, and they look at Luomen in a similar way.

Luo Men smiled and said to Yuichiro beside him: "Okay, you don't have to accompany me. You are also a team leader, and you have to recruit people. Don't leave me any vacancies when the time comes."

"Got it, then I'll leave first, and won't disturb you and the big sister, hehe..."

After saying that, Yuichiro ran away in a hurry.

Luo Men looked at Yuichiro's running posture, then looked at the woman next to him with a blushing face, and directly grabbed her hand.

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