The appearance of the giant beast's corpse was just an episode, and Romen didn't pay much attention to it. He just left it to Charles and waited for the result.

If there is a result, it's the best, but if there is no result, it doesn't matter.

Then within a day, Romen also saw that the topic related to Godzilla had been on the hot search on the Internet.

Maybe it's because of the difference in the world. There is no Ghidorah in this world, so there is no plot of Godzilla fighting Ghidorah, which led to Godzilla not becoming famous in the world because of such a battle.

However, today's Godzilla suddenly appeared in Pensacola, an area on the southeast coast of the United States, and then caused great damage there. The area targeted by Godzilla is mainly the park of Apex Corporation.

"If I remember correctly, Apex Corporation seems to be working on Mecha Godzilla."

Romen looked at the hot news marked by Skynet, and thought of the things related to Godzilla during this period, and Skynet from Apex Corporation, Romen roughly determined the current time node, and what will happen next.

[Giant beast Godzilla, is it an enemy or a friend? 】

【Destroyed countless buildings, caused billions of noise losses, what on earth is Godzilla doing? 】

【What is Apex hiding? We need to know the truth! 】

Most of these news are about fear of monsters like Godzilla, or news targeting Apex.

Because there was no battle with King Ghidorah, the safety of mankind was protected, resulting in a strong hostility towards monsters like Godzilla by most people, or hostility caused by fear.

In front of monsters like Godzilla, fear is the emotion most people have.

Although in Godzilla's eyes, humans are too small and it doesn't care at all. However, it is normal to be affected when such a giant moves.

However, humans are self-centered creatures, and the alien threat theory will never go out of date.

In addition to the threat theory against Godzilla, there is also the Avengers.

【Godzilla, a powerful and terrifying monster, is wantonly destroying human cities. Where are the Avengers? 】

【Shocked, is it the decline of humanity or the decline of morality, the Avengers actually...】

In the eyes of some forces, the Avengers are still too powerful.

It is definitely impossible to solve it openly, so they can only do some small tricks secretly.

Luo Men knows the future plot, so he can roughly judge that under the promotion of so many forces, the subsequent civil war may be an inevitable event.

"There is intelligence on the target of focus."

While Luo Men was browsing the news, Skynet suddenly popped up an instruction.

Seeing the information sent by Skynet, Luo Men also quickly clicked to check.

Luo Men once listed a list of targets that need to be paid attention to for Skynet. It may not be complete, but it basically covers the important characters and important events of the Marvel Universe.

Important characters are roughly Magneto and Iron Man.

"Let me see."

Clicking on the information sent by Skynet, Luo Men also became more serious.

"Carol Danvers?"

Skynet sent a picture. After seeing the person on the picture and the introduction, Luo Men was also a little surprised.

Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel, the big-faced big sister. She is considered to be the peak of the current conventional combat power in the universe. Her specific strength should be between the sub-father and the father, which is several times the combat power of the father.

However, at this point in time, Carol should theoretically be helping the poor in the universe. How come she is back to Earth now?

Speaking of this woman, Luo Men feels that she is also quite good.

It's okay to leave a group of malicious aliens on Earth, but she doesn't care about them at all, and she is still a vigilante for the aliens in the universe, and she hasn't returned to Earth for decades. It can only be said that this is probably what a living Bodhisattva looks like.

However, at this point in time, this woman should still be in the universe, doing her cosmic vigilante. Now she is back on Earth, so something must have gone wrong.

On Earth, the only people who can contact this woman should be Nick Fury and his group of alien friends.

"So who is it? It can't be that Nick Fury taught this guy to come and solve the Godzilla War."

Roman thought about it and felt that this matter did not seem impossible.

With Nick Fury's personality, it seems understandable to do such a thing.

The appearance of Carol Danvers made Romen feel that the current situation on Earth seemed a little complicated.

But after thinking about it, it didn't have much to do with him. No matter what happened in the outside world, even if the earth exploded, Krakoa would be in trouble.In the middle, there is no need to worry about the living environment.

However, Luo Men suddenly wanted to fight with this Captain Marvel to verify his strength.

Luo Men's strength has been getting stronger, but he has never had a clear comparison of how strong he is.

And this Captain Marvel is a very suitable comparison object.

First of all, the strength is strong enough, and then there is no control type of ability. You can't beat it, but you can't run away. Finally, as a hero of justice, even if you can't run away, you don't have to worry about the other party killing you.

"But if you fight with her, you can't be on Earth."

Luo Men thought about it and took action directly.


"Who are you?"

Looking at the boy who suddenly appeared in front of her, Carol was also stunned.

Back to Earth, although she knew that this planet is not like before, and the extraordinary power is not obvious.

But her mentality, on Earth, still unconsciously relaxed a lot, maybe this is the feeling of home. Even after leaving for many years, she can still feel at ease after returning to Earth.

Although she came back this time not just for vacation, as a cosmic vigilante, she is a busy person.

If there is no particularly important matter, she may not come back for more than ten years or even decades. Maybe in the end, she may not come back until she is old, and settle down completely.

Although Carol came back for other things, he can temporarily use his time freely.

But when she saw the boy suddenly appear in front of her, she knew that her short vacation would definitely be ruined.

Before Carol could say a few more words, an invisible force wrapped around her, and then the scene in front of her changed many times. When it stopped, she had already arrived in the empty universe.

Romen looked at Carol and didn't think of talking nonsense. This is an asteroid belt outside the solar system. It should not be easy to detect the movement in this battle.


Looking at Romen's telepathy controlling a large number of asteroids and throwing them directly at her, Carol also judged what kind of extraordinary person Romen was, and there was some surprise in her eyes.

Carol had actually encountered various types of people with special abilities, but she had never seen such a powerful telekinetic person as the boy in front of her.

However, since the other party took the initiative to attack, Carol's fighting spirit was also aroused. The golden energy flowed through her body, which was quite like the demeanor of a Saiyan.

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